
Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation: stakeholder engagement analysis

A summary of the key findings of the stakeholder consultation carried out to inform the National Strategy for Economic Transformation.

1. Stakeholder Engagement: Overview

Transforming our economy has to be a national endeavour and in order to help inform the development of the Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation we invited views from a range of stakeholders including business, workers, third sector, public sector and the wider public.

  • We carried out a nine-week programme of public consultation, with members of the public and stakeholders invited to submit views directly to a mailbox.
  • No set questions were asked, it was an open invitation to submit views.
  • This closed 3 September 2021 with ongoing informal stakeholder engagement continuing until the middle of January 2022.


  • A total of 265 responses were received, spread across wider public, private sector, third sector and public sector, of which:
    • 77 (29%) from Wider Public,
    • 81 (30% from Private Sector (includes Industry Leadership Groups and organisations representing businesses),
    • 73 (28%) from Third Sector, and
    • 34 (13%) from Public Sector.
  • Given the open invitation to contribute, individuals were not asked to provide information on their characteristics and so it is not possible to determine how representative of the wider public the individual responses received are.

Distilling key themes

  • An analysis of the full set of responses follows, focusing on the views by each group of respondents on:
    • Challenges,
    • Opportunities / priorities, and
    • Their ideas to transform the economy.



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