
Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation

Sets out the priorities for Scotland’s economy as well as the actions needed to maximise the opportunities of the next decade to achieve our vision of a wellbeing economy.


1.   The detailed analysis of the Scottish economy underpinning this strategy can be found at

2.  Economic and fiscal outlook – October 2021 – Office for Budget Responsibility (

3.  The economically inactive figure includes full time students.

4.   The detailed analysis of the Scottish economy underpinning this strategy can be found at

5.   The modelling incorporates the key components of this strategy, such as exports, inward investment and capital investment, but the modelling framework does not allow all of the transformational actions of the strategy to be captured.

6.  Scottish Technology Ecosystem Review

7.  The UK Green Growth Index – Lloyds Banking Group plc

8.  Scotland's Vision for Trade

9.  Scotland: A Trading Nation

10.  Shaping Scotland's Economy: inward investment plan

11.  Investing with Purpose: global capital investment plan

12.  Leaders' Pledge for Nature

13.  World Economic Forum: Global Risks Report 2022

14.  World Economic Forum: The Future of Nature and Business

15.  Nature-based jobs and skills for net zero – an initial assessment

16.  The Environment Strategy for Scotland: vision and outcomes

17.  Evidence from Regional Economic Partnerships

18.  Scottish Funding Council Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability

19.  Careers by Design

20. Trends in Income Inequality and its Impact on Economic Growth | OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers | OECD iLibrary (

21. The Cost of Child Poverty in 2021 – based on a UK figure of £37.7 billion estimated by the University of Loughborough

22.   Our Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan has identified six priority family types at higher risk of poverty: lone parent families, the large majority of which are headed by women; families which include a disabled adult or child; larger families; minority ethnic families; families with a child under one year old; families where the mother is under 25 years of age.

23.  Businesses and Scottish Government: joint principles agreement – (



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