Scotland's Oral Health Plan: consultation on the future of oral health

Consultation on how we take dental services forward to meet the challenges of the future.

Respondent Information Form


The respondent information form and consultation questionnaire are available in MS Word format (405KB)


Guidance for Completing the Questionnaire

The consultation document has been written to ensure that as many people as possible may participate in this exercise. Inevitably there are some issues that are more complex and technical in nature, which may only be of relevance to healthcare professionals.

We have therefore divided the questionnaire as follows:

PART A: A short section of questions for everyone about the overall direction of travel on how we continue to improve the oral health of the people of Scotland.

PART B: A longer section of more detailed questions, mainly of relevance to healthcare professionals on the future direction, organisation and management of specific NHS dental services.

PART C: An opportunity to offer comments that are particular to the respondent's interests or experience of NHS dental services in Scotland.

We greatly value the views of everyone and encourage you to complete as many of the questions as possible. However, non-healthcare professionals may be more interested in parts A and C of the questionnaire.

Should you be unable to complete any of the questions please leave your answer blank and continue to the next question.


Email: David Notman,

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