
Scotland's Play Strategy: Playing with quality and equality: a review of inclusive play in Scotland

A review of inclusive play in Scotland.

10. Emergent themes

In the course of the survey and consultations, a number of themes began to emerge. These themes were examined more closely in the events that were held with children, young people and adults in different parts of the country.

The themes themselves interlink. A combined approach would attempt to reduce the negative factors which hold back high quality play opportunities while really trying to build on positive practice and examples which exist.

It was continually emphasised that quality matters.

Disabled and disadvantaged children and young people in Scotland face multiple barriers to being able to play at home, at nursery, school, early learning and childcare and in the community

Significantly more attention should be given to coordination across services and geographic areas to achieve inclusive opportunities

Low-key, everyday actions make a big difference

The time available to practitioners is a significant factor in their ability to put into practice inclusive actions and approaches

The quality of physical environments makes a hugely significant difference to the quality of children and young people's experience and opportunities for play

The application (and misapplication) of rules and regulations negatively impacts on the quality opportunities for play

Building confidence and awareness around the value of play would support inclusive play opportunities for all children.

Addressing a gap in training and ongoing support for practitioners and professionals in a number of disciplines would help to ensure all our children and young people have the play opportunities to which they have a right.

The quotes in the following sections are from the review surveys, consultations and events.


Email: Deborah Gallagher

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