
Scotland's Play Strategy: Playing with quality and equality: a review of inclusive play in Scotland

A review of inclusive play in Scotland.

4. Survey Respondents

Following the Literature Review, the online survey began to explore barriers and aspirations and to find out about examples of things that work well - approaches, tools, practice and strategies.

In a period of six weeks there were 594 responses to the survey for adults with respondents from every local authority area in Scotland, and 79 to the survey designed for children and young people, with respondents from 19 of Scotland's 32 local authority areas. The following graphs illustrate the make-up of respondents.

Figure 1 Location of survey respondents

Figure 1 Location of survey respondents

Figure 2 Adults' survey

Figure 2 Adults' survey

Figure 3 Children and young people's survey

Figure 3 Children and young people's survey

Figure 4 Adults' survey respondents: area of work

Figure 4 Adults' survey respondents: area of work

Figure 5 Adults' survey respondents: groups of children and young people respondents were mainly concerned with

Figure 5 Adults' survey respondents: groups of children and young people respondents were mainly concerned with

The analysis of the children and young people's survey is followed by that for the adults' survey, both reflecting the structure of the Play Strategy Domains.


Email: Deborah Gallagher

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