
Scotland's Redress Scheme: Combined Annual Report 2024

Sets out the actions taken by contributors to the Scheme to redress the historical abuse of children and is a requirement of the Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Act 2021.

3. Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry is examining the abuse of children in care. It was set up on 1 October 2015 and is chaired by Lady Anne Smith.

The Inquiry will report to Scottish Ministers as soon as reasonably practicable, with recommendations to improve law, policies and practices in Scotland.

More information including the terms of reference and how to make contact with the Inquiry is available on the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry website.

Role of government

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry is independent of government and was established under the Inquiries Act 2005. As such, it must be undertaken in accordance with that Act and, where applicable, with the Inquiries (Scotland) Rules 2007.

The Act and Rules make provisions about how a public inquiry may be set up and its operation. This includes Ministerial powers in relation to establishing an inquiry, setting the terms of reference of an inquiry, together with appointing a chair and panel members to run an inquiry.

The Scottish Government sponsors the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry as regards financial and operational matters. How the independent Inquiry carries out fulfilling its terms of reference is entirely a matter for the chair of the Inquiry. The Scottish Government is a core participant in the Inquiry’s proceedings, which includes providing evidence and information in accordance with the Inquiry’s requirements.



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