Scotland’s Redress Scheme: contributor list

Organisations participating in the redress scheme by making a fair and meaningful financial contribution. Scotland’s Redress Scheme is for survivors of historical abuse in care.

Capability Scotland

Capability Scotland, a registered Scottish Charity (No SC011330) and a company limited by guarantee (Reg. No. SC036524) whose registered office is:

Vantage Point
24 St John's Road
EH12 6NZ

Date added to contributor list

11 February 2025

Date removed from contributor list (if relevant): N/A
Removal with retrospective effect (yes/no): N/A

Commitment made

Pay agreed proportion of all determined cases where relevant as a place where abuse took place up to the maximum agreed figure of £197,333.

Acknowledgment letter

The Board of Trustees of Capability Scotland has agreed our charity’s participation in the Redress Scotland compensation scheme for survivors of abuse.

Like other care providers, we acknowledge we have a part to play in recognising the damage caused by historic abuse and, as a society, in apologising for failing to ensure every young person in care was protected from abuse in whatever form.  Our work in more recent times and going forward will seek to ensure this never happens again.

Safeguarding the wellbeing of those in our care is our priority. Capability Scotland has robust procedures and practices in place to ensure that the dignity and rights of those we support are foremost in everything we do. We take all allegations of abuse extremely seriously including historical allegations. Our procedures and practices oblige us to report all allegations of abuse we receive to the authorities.

We recognise the bravery of those who have come forward to report historic abuse and we support the Scottish Government’s efforts to address past wrongs. We apologise unreservedly to anyone who suffered historic abuse whilst in the care of Capability Scotland or its predecessor organisations.  We will respond with compassion and openness to anyone making an application for redress and will continue to fully co-operate in relation to redress in line with the values and principles of the redress scheme.


Email enquiries about the statutory scheme:

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