Scotland's seas: towards understanding their state
Scotland's seas: towards understanding their state.
Photograph/image copyrights
British Geological Survey
Foreword/Executive Summary
Title page - FRS
1.1 Steve Gontarek, SAMS (Bathymetry and elevations based on GebcoCE and GTOPO30 datasets).
1.2 OSPAR secretariat
Title page - SNH
2.1 Steve Gontarek, SAMS (Bathymetry and elevations based on GebcoCE and GTOPO30 datasets) and Keith Mutch, FRS
2.2 United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
2.3 Mike Bell, Crown Copyright 2008, the Met Office
2.4 Sarah Hughes and Keith Mutch, FRS
2.5 and 2.11 K O'Carroll, BERR, Atlas of Marine Renewable Energy (Bathymetry, Waves, Wind, Tides)
2.6 Connor, D.W., Gilliland, P.M., Golding, N, Robinson, P., Todd, D., & Verling, E. 2006. UKSeaMap: the mapping of seabed and water column features of UK seas. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough
2.7, 2.8, 2.9 SAMS
2.10 SEPA and Keith Mutch, FRS
2.12 Barbara Berx, FRS
2.13 Colin Moffat, FRS
2.14 and 2.15 BGS
2.16 MCA, ABP Ports, Google Earth
Title page - SNH
3.3 SEPA
3.5, 3.6 SMRU
3.7 BGS
3.8, 3.9, 3.10 FRS
3.11 Marie Russell, FRS
3.12 FRS and SEPA
3.13 Glasgow Caledonian University
3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17 SEPA
3.18, 3.19, 3.20 SEPA
Title Page - SNH
4.1, 4.2 SNH
4.3 FRS
4.9 SEPA
4.12 Jens Rasmussen, FRS
4.16 MNCR/ SNH
4.17, 4.19 SNH
4.20 D. Leaver
4.21 FRS
4.22 SNH
4.23 Sue Scott
4.24 Christine Howson
4.25 SAMS
4.27 Lorne Gill/ SNH
4.28 Ashley Coutts
4.30 SNH
4.33, 4.34, 4.35 SMRU
4.36 Marine Environmental Monitoring
4.37 SNH
4.38 Mike Harris, CEH
4.42 Akinori Takahashi, CEH
Title page - SNH
5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 FRS
5.6, 5.7 FSAS and SAMS
5.8, 5.9 NAFC
5.10, 5.11 FRS
5.12 ACOPS
5.13 FRS
5.14 Colin Moffat, FRS
5.15 Historic Scotland
5.16 ScapaMap project
5.17 Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust
5.18, 5.19 Heriot Watt University
5.20 Marie Russell, FRS
Title page - SNH
6.1, 6.2, 6.3 FRS
6.4 Natural Heritage Trends, The Seas Around Scotland 2004, SNH
Title page - SNH
7.1 Colin Moffat, FRS
7.2 FRS
7.3 (1) Eileen Bresnan, (2 & 3) Simon Greenstreet, (4) Craig Davies, (5) John Dunn; FRS
Email: Central Enquiries Unit
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