
Scotland's seas: towards understanding their state

Scotland's seas: towards understanding their state.


Chapter 1

(1) Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Framework for (Community Action in the field of Marine Environmental Policy (Marine Strategy Framework Directive)


(3) Defra, 2005. Charting Progress - An Integrated Assessment of the State of UK Seas. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, London. pp. 120.

(4) OSPAR, 2000. Quality Status Report 2000 for the North-East Atlantic. Oslo and Paris Commissions, London. pp. 108.

(5) OSPAR, 2006. Overview of OSPAR Assessments 1998 - 2006. Oslo and Paris Commissions, London. pp. 89.



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(10) Scottish Executive, 2005. Seas the Opportunity - a strategy for the long term sustainability of Scotland's coasts and seas. Scottish Executive, Edinburgh. pp. 40.

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Chapter 2


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Chapter 3


(2) Trends in Water quality from 1996


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(14) Status Report 2003.pdf



Recommendations of the Committee of Radioactive Waste management (CoRWM)


(18) Radioactivity in Coastal Waters

(19) Identification and Assessment of Alternative Disposal Options for Radioactive Oilfield Wastes - Summary Guidance

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(21) Impacts of Marine Litter

Chapter 4

(1) Scottish Government. 2007. Scotland's Biodiversity Indicators. The Scottish Government, Edinburgh. pp. 50.




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(16) Turrell, W.R., Slesser, G., Adams, R.D., Payne, R. and Gillibrand, P.A., 1999. Decadal variability in the composition of Faroe Shetland Channel bottom water. Deep Sea Research 46, 1-25.

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(18) Willis, K.J., Cook, E.J., Lozano-Fernandez, M. and Takeuchi, I., 2004. First record of the alien caprellid amphipod, Caprella mutica, for the UK. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84, 1027-1028.

(19) Eno, C., Clark, R.A., and Sanderson, W.G. (Editors), 1997. Non-native marine species in British waters: a review and directory. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough. pp. 152.

(20) ICES, 2005. ICES Code of Practice on the Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms 2005. International Council for the Exploration og the Sea, Copenhagen. pp. 30.

(21) Davison, D.M., 1996. An estimation of the total number of marine species that occur in Scottish coastal waters. Scottish Natural Heritage Review No 63. Scottish National Heritage, Edinburgh. pp. 31

(22) Poxton, M.G., 1992. Towards a strategy for the conservation of marine fish in Scotland. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 100B, 141-167.

(23) Hammond, P.S. and Grellier, K., 2005. Grey seal diet composition and fish consumption in the North Sea. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs under project MF0319, 1-54.

(24) Hammond, P.S. and Harris, R.N., 2006. Grey seal diet composition and prey consumption off western Scotland and Shetland. Final report to Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department and Scottish Natural Heritage. pp. 41

(25) Wanless, S., Wright, P.J., Harris, M.P. and Elston, D.A., 2004. Evidence for decrease in size of lesser sandeels Ammodytes marinus in a North Sea aggregation over a 30-yr period. Marine Ecology Progress Series 279, 237-246.

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(27) Edwards, M., Johns, D.G., Licandro, P., John, A.W.G. and Stevens, D.P., 2007. Ecological Status Report: results from the CPR survey 2005/2006. SAHFOS Technical Report 4, 1-8.

(29) Thompson, P.M., Corkrey, R., Lusseau, D., Lusseau, S.M., Quick, N., Durban, J.W., Parsons, K.M. and Hammond, P.S., 2006. An assessment of the current condition of the Moray Firth bottlenose dolphin population. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 175, pp. 27


(31) Lonergan, M., Duck, C.D., Thompson, D., Mackey, B.L., Cunningham, L. and Boyd, I.L., 2007. Using sparse survey data to investigate the declining abundance of British harbour seals. Journal of Zoology 271(3), 261-269.


(33) Penrose, R.S. and Gander, L.R., 2008. UK & Republic of Ireland Marine Turtle Strandings & Sightings Annual Report 2007. Marine Environmental Monitoring, pp. 28.

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(35) Parsons, M., Mitchell, P. I., Butler, A., Mavor, R., Ratcliffe, N. and Foster, S., 2006. Natural Heritage Trends: Abundance of Breeding Seabirds. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 222 F05NB01, pp. 74.

(36) Mavor, R.A., Parsons, M., Heubeck, M. and Schmitt, S.. 2005. Seabird numbers and breeding success in Britain and Ireland, 2004. UK Nature Conservation, No. 29, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough, pp. 104

(37) Parsons, M., Mitchell, P.I., Butler, A., Ratcliffe, N., Frederiksen, M., Foster, S. and Reid, J.B., 2008. NATURAL HERITAGE TRENDS: Productivity of Breeding Seabirds in Scotland 1986 - 2006. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report. pp. 28.

(38) Arnott, S.A. and Ruxton, G. D., 2002. Sandeel recruitment in the North Sea: demographic, climatic and trophic effects. Marine Ecology Progress Series 238, 199-210.

(39) Frederiksen, M., Wanless, S., Harris, M.P., Rothery, P. and Wilson, L. J., 2004b. The role of industrial fishery and oceanographic changes in the decline of the North Sea black-legged kittiwakes. Journal of Applied Ecology 41, 1129-1139.

(40) Frederiksen, M., Mavor, R. A. and Wanless, S., in press. Seabirds as environmental indicators: the advantages of combining data sets. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

(41) Furness, R.W. and Tasker, M.L., 2000. Seabird-fishery interactions: quantifying the sensitivity of seabirds to reductions in sandeel abundance and identification of key areas for sensitive seabirds in the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 202, 253-264.

(42) Wanless, S., Wright, P.J., Harris, M.P. and Elston, D. A., 2004. Evidence for decrease in size of lesser sandeels Ammodytes marinus in a North Sea aggregation over a 30-yr period. Marine Ecology Progress Series 279, 237-246.

(43) Wanless, S., Harris, M.P., Redman, P. and Speakman, J. R., 2005. Low energy values of fish as a probable cause of a major seabird breeding failure in the North Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 294, 1-8.

(44) Beaugrand, G., Brander, K.M., Lindley, A., Souissi, S. and Reid, P.C., 2003. Plankton effect on cod recruitment in the North Sea. Nature 426, 661-664.

(45) Harris, M.P., Anker-Nilssen, T., McCleery, R.H., Erikstad, K.E., Shaw, D.N. and Grosbois, V., 2005. Effect of wintering area and climate on the survival of adult Atlantic puffins Fratercula arctica in the eastern Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series 297, 283-296.

(46) Grosbois, V. and Thompson, P.M., 2005. North Atlantic climate variation influences survival in adult fulmars. Oikos 109, 273-290.

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(48) Kirby, R.R., Johns, D.G. and Lindley, J.A., 2006. Fathers in hot water: rising sea temperatures and a Northeastern Atlantic pipefish baby boom. Biology Letters 2, 597-600.

(49) Harris, M.P., Beare, D., Toresen, R., Nøttestad, L., Kloppmann, M., Dörner, H., Peach, K., Rushton, D.R.A., Foster-Smith, J. and Wanless, S., 2007. A major increase in snake pipefish ( Entelurus aequoreus) in northern European seas since 2003: potential implications for seabird breeding success. Marine Biology 151, 973-983.

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Chapter 5


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(13) Scottish Enterprise





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Chapter 6

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(4) Hughes, S.L. and Holliday, N.P. (Editors). 2007. ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2006. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 289, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. pp. 55.

(5) Holliday, N.P., Hughes, S., Bacon, S., Beszczynska-Möller, A., Hansen, B., Lavín, A., Loeng, A.H., Mork, K.A., Østerhus, S., Sherwin, T. and Walczowski, W., in press. Reversal of the 1960s - 1990s Freshening Trend in the North Atlantic and Nordic Seas, Geophysical Research Letters.

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Chapter 7



(3). Halpern, B., Walbridge, S., Selkoe, K.A., Kappel, C.V., Micheli, F. et al., 2008. A Global map of human impact on marine ecosystems. Science 319, 948 - 952.


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