
Scotland's seas: towards understanding their state

Scotland's seas: towards understanding their state.

List of Tables

Chapter 1

1.1 Comparison of the UK and Scottish Visions with the MSFD definition of GES

1.2 MSFD qualitative descriptors for determining GES

1.3 Indicative list of characteristics, pressures and impacts in Annex III of the MSFD

1.4 Devolved and reserved responsibilities for key marine activities

1.5 Criteria for a 'good indicator' specifically in relation to Ecological Quality Objectives as defined by ICES

1.6 An example of the Summary Assessment used in this report

1.7 Key to Assessment Table - Trends

1.8 Key to Assessment Table - Assessment of Status

1.9 Key to Assessment Table - Confidence of Assessment

Chapter 2

2.1 Latitude and longitude of the approximate centre of the features included in Figure 2.1

2.2 Summary of data collected on the physical characteristics of Scotland's seas

2.3 Organisations involved in modelling Scottish seas

2.4 Annual potential new primary production

Chapter 3

3.1 Qualitative MSFDGES descriptors for clean and safe seas

3.2 Summary of data collected that could indicate whether Scotland's seas are clean and safe

3.3 Key elements used in WFD Classification

3.4 Details of the sediment surveys undertaken together with the number of samples analysed for oil equivalents and PAHs using both a systematic grid and stratified random approach

Chapter 4

4.1 Qualitative MSFDGES descriptors for healthy and biologically diverse seas

4.2 Scottish Biodiversity Indicators of particular relevance to the marine environment

4.3 Summary of data collected that could indicate whether Scotland's seas are healthy and biologically diverse

4.4 Marine habitats listed under Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive for which Scottish SACs have been designated

4.5 Coastal species listed under Annex 2 of the Habitats Directive for which SACs have been designated

4.6 Species and groups occurring in the 10 highest ranks of aggregated annual abundance and biomass between 1997 and 2006

4.7 Priority marine species found in Scotland

4.8 Priority marine habitats found in Scotland

4.9 Species for which the priority action is more research and /or monitoring

Chapter 5

5.1 Qualitative MSFDGES descriptors for productive seas

5.2 List of core marine-related industries

5.3 Summary of marine-related industry GVA (£million at 2004 prices) and employment (2004)

5.4 Summary of data collected that could indicate whether Scotland's seas are productive

5.5 Seven commercial fish and shellfish species of major interest to Scotland

5.6 Phytoplankton monitoring conducted in Scotland from September 2005 - October 2007

5.7 Total pollution incidents associated with marine installations and shipping reported by category and area in 2005

5.8 Total incidents and amount of pollution reported by marine environmental area in 2005

5.9 Total traffic in Scottish ports in 2006

5.10 Dredge spoil disposal in 2006 (wet tonnes)

5.11 Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland maritime records (correct to April 2006), and Historic Scotland statistics on sub-tidal scheduled/designated marine historic assets

5.12 Economic figures for Orkney Islands

Chapter 6

6.1 Summary of data collected on the impact of climate change in the marine environment


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