
Scotland's Serious Organised Crime Strategy 2016 annual report

Annual report setting out progress made in implementing Scotland's Serious Organised Crime Strategy.

What Serious Organised Crime Looks Like In Scotland [1]

  • A total of 196 serious organised crime groups ( SOCGs) are recorded as operating in Scotland.
  • 67% of SOCGs remain located in the West of Scotland, 22% in the East and 11% in the North.
  • 84% of SOCGs are identified as British. Almost 6% of SOC nominals are foreign nationals.
  • SOCGs diversify into different crime types as a means of maintaining income. Just under half (48%) of SOCGs are involved in multiple crime types.
  • 67% of SOCGs are involved in drug crime; cocaine is the most popular commodity, followed by heroin, cannabis, tranquilisers and amphetamine.
  • Other crime types include violence; various forms of fraud including cigarette smuggling and tax fraud; money laundering; organised immigration crime; human trafficking; organised theft; bogus workmen; counterfeit goods and cybercrime.
  • 66% of SOCGs are involved in seemingly legitimate businesses. The most common business types are licensed premises, restaurants, building/construction companies, shops, garage repairs and vehicle maintenance, taxis and nail bars. Over 720 such businesses have been identified.


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