
Skills delivery landscape: call for evidence

This call for evidence paper seeks stakeholder views on Scotland’s skills system. The information gathered will help to inform recommendations to Ministers by James Withers, the Advisor to the Independent Review of the Skills Delivery Landscape.

Part 6 – Careers and Young People

The Scottish Government’s Careers Strategy: Moving Forward was published in February 2020 and set out a vision for a careers system in Scotland which is flexible and delivers for every citizen, regardless of where they live in Scotland, their age or circumstance.

In November 2020, the Scottish Government launched the Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG), a commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people with the aim of connecting every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity (job, enterprise, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training or volunteering).

As part of the YPG, SDS was asked to bring together the views and experiences of young people, parents, employers, teachers and experts across the careers system to provide recommendations for how Scotland’s careers services could better support career development from early years until a young person enters employment.

The Careers by Design Report was published in February 2022 and builds upon Scotland’s Careers Strategy. The Scottish Government accepted all ten recommendations presented by the Report and the Board responsible for leading the Review, is now working to develop an Implementation Plan to present to Ministers by the end of 2022.

One of the ten recommendations from the Report was to “Create a Career Service Coalition” to understand the quality of provision across organisations who deliver CIAG and provide a mechanism for its improvement. The specific status and role of the coalition, now named the ‘Careers by Design Collaborative’ will be set out as part of the Implementation Group’s final report.

In addition to open-access careers guidance for all adults, SDS has a statutory requirement to deliver careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG) services in all state secondary schools in Scotland, with at least one dedicated member of careers staff working in every school. SDS also provides ongoing CIAG services to young people aged 16-19 to progress and sustain a positive destination. Careers services are also delivered through colleges and universities, often by the institution, SDS has partnership agreements with all Further Education Colleges and SDS Careers Advisers are present in most sites.

Question 20: Do you have any evidence to inform how the new Careers by Design Collaborative could be embedded within the wider education and skills system and delivery landscape to enable the recommendations of the Careers Review to be taken forward to ensure people can access the advice, information and guidance that they need?

Question 21: Alongside Careers information, advice and guidance, do you have any evidence to demonstrate what additional support young people, including those from marginalised groups, might need to develop their skills and experience to prepare them for the world of work? Please include details about who you think should be responsible for providing this support.



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