
Social security: consultation results - easy read

This report is about the results of the social security consultation which ran from 4 August 2022 to 27 October 2022. The consultation asked for your views on ideas to make social security in Scotland even better.

Independent advice

The third section of the consultation set out ideas for getting independent advice to help make the best social security system. There were also ideas on how best to check on the system and make sure it is working properly.

Current arrangements

People were asked if they thought the current ways of advising and checking on the social security system were good enough.

Feedback was mixed on this. Almost half of people who answered this question thought the way advising and checking works in the social security system now is quite good. A quarter thought the way it works now is not good enough, and the rest did not know.

People said that membership of the Scottish Commission on Social Security (SCoSS) and Disability and Carers Benefit Expert Advisory Group (DACBEAG) could be widened. This would make sure a wider range of voices are heard.

Future options

People were asked how they thought the system for advice and checking on the social security system could be better.

Feedback was mixed on this. Half of people who answered this question thought it would be right to keep independent advice and overseeing separate. This would avoid the same people giving advice and then checking how the system was working.

Over a quarter thought it would be right to combine the groups who give advice and check up on the social security system. This would make the most of resources and make sure the work is done efficiently.

The rest of the people who answered thought a new independent group should be set up to oversee the Scottish benefit called Employment Injury Assistance, which will replace Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit. This group would need different skills and experience than other benefits.



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