Scotland's Sustainable Housing Strategy: Analysis of Responses to 'Homes that Don't Cost the Earth' Consultation

The report summarises the responses to the consultation on Scotland's Sustainable Housing Strategy which sought views on measures to promote the energy efficiency of housing


AHSP Affordable Housing Supply Programme

BTS Below tolerable standard

EAP Energy Assistance Package

ECO Energy Company Obligation

EPC Energy Performance Certificate

FiT Feed-in Tariff

GD Green Deal

HRA Housing Renewal Area (defined under Housing (Scotland) Act 2006)

LBTT Land and Buildings Transaction Tax

MMC Modern Methods of Construction

PRHP Private Rented Housing Panel

SHR Scottish Housing Regulator

RdSAP Reduced data SAP: normally used for assessing the energy performance of existing dwellings, now incorporated in SAP 2009

RHI Renewable Heat Incentive

SAP The Government's Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings: the SAP methodology is based on the BRE's Domestic Energy Model (BREDEM), which provides a framework for calculating the energy consumption of dwellings.

UHIS Universal Home Insulation Scheme: Scottish Government area-based improvement scheme administered by local authorities.


Email: Ganka Mueller

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