
Learning provision for children and young people with complex additional support needs: 10-year strategy 2017-2026

Scottish Government's long-term strategy for providing 'the right help at the right time in the right place'.


To improve outcomes for children and young people with complex additional support needs through strategic commissioning of services; with a particular focus on the provision of education. While this strategy also recognises the critical role played by social services and health in supporting educational outcomes the strategy is set within the context of The Additional Support for Learning Act 2004.


1. To ensure the four key priorities set out within Scotland's National Improvement Framework - raising attainment, achieving equity, improving health and wellbeing, and developing skills for learning, life and work; for children and young people with complex additional support needs - are central to the outcomes anticipated in the 10 Year Strategy.

2. To frame the Strategy in the six key drivers for improvement within the National Improvement Framework: school leadership; teacher professionalism; parental engagement; assessment of children's progress; school improvement; performance information all reflecting a particular relevance to provision for complex additional support needs. With appropriate customisation to reflect the context which the Strategy is addressing. These drivers are customised in the strategy to reflect the multi-dimensional factors which impact on improvement of services for children and young people with complex additional support needs.

3. To ensure that the impact of any service commissioned results in capacity building across local authorities as well as at a national level.

4. To provide an evidence base for decisions around national commissioning that drive improvements which benefit children and young people with complex additional support needs.


Email: Deborah Walker

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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