
Scotland's third Land Use Strategy: consultation

We are consulting on our third Land Use Strategy which will be published in March 2021. This sets out our vision for achieving sustainable land use in Scotland, the objectives and the policies and actions that will help deliver it.

Section 1 – Does a changing context need a changing vision?

Much has happened since the publication of the last Land Use Strategy including the current COVID-19 pandemic that is impacting on our lives in so many ways. But the twin crises of the global climate emergency and decline in biodiversity are as pressing as ever, and the Scottish Government remains determined and committed to play its full part in combatting these issues. That is why the focus of our recovery from COVID-19 is a green one that seizes on the opportunities for creating sustainable jobs. It is imperative that the Green Recovery is part of our just transition to net-zero that leaves no one behind.

Knowledge and evidence that human activity has been a major driver of our changing climate since the mid-20th Century is longstanding and overwhelming. Last year saw a wave of public action demanding that governments take more action to tackle climate change, with young people in particular standing up and challenging us all to do better. Here in Scotland the First Minister recognised the global climate emergency in April 2019 and Scotland introduced one of the most stringent statutory frameworks for climate change action in the world. We have already made good progress in reducing our emissions compared to the 1990 baseline year, though much more work remains to be done to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.

Last year also saw the publication of the biggest ever health check of the state of life on earth by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. It provided stark evidence of the crisis in our natural world, with 1 million species now at risk of extinction. It found that the health of the planet’s ecosystems, on which we and all other species depend, is deteriorating faster than at any time in human history. It is clear that the climate and nature crises are intrinsically linked. Climate change is a key driver of biodiversity loss. Conversely, healthy natural habitats play a vital role in removing carbon from the atmosphere. Both crises arise from stretching the Earth’s systems beyond their sustainable limits.

In February 2020, we published the vision and outcomes of Scotland’s new Environment Strategy, which creates an overarching framework for our Strategies and plans on the environment and climate change. Its ‘One Earth. One home. One shared future’ vision describes our long-term ambitions for Scotland’s natural environment and our role in tackling the global climate change and nature crises. It also describes the wider benefits that restoring nature and tackling climate change will create for the wellbeing of people and communities across Scotland, our economy and our global citizenship. The Land Use Strategy brings together policies that will help us realise these ambitions.

We know that the way in which we manage and use our land needs to change radically if we are to deliver our climate and environment goals and achieve positive outcomes for ourselves and the natural systems on which our way of life depend. In making a transition on this scale, the vision we set ourselves for the future is a key way to navigate our steps forward. The third Land Use Strategy provides an opportunity for us to revisit the vision of the previous two Strategies.


“A Scotland where we fully recognise, understand and value the importance of our land resources, and where our plans and decisions about land use will deliver improved and enduring benefits, enhancing the wellbeing of our nation.”

Q1: Do you think that this vision still reflects the outcomes we need to achieve?

A) Yes

B) No

C) I don’t know

D) I do not have enough information

Q2: If not, what key changes would you like to see for a new Land Use vision?


Closely linked to the vision are the objectives we set to help achieve it. We would like to know if you think the objectives set out in previous strategies will continue to support and deliver the changes that are required, or if they need updating.


  • Land based businesses working with nature to contribute more to Scotland's prosperity
  • Responsible stewardship of Scotland's natural resources delivering more benefits to Scotland's people
  • Urban and rural communities better connected to the land, with more people enjoying the land and positively influencing land use

Q3: Do you think any of the above objectives need updating? If so, please indicate which you think needs changes. You can tick all that apply.

A) I think they are good as they are, no changes needed

B) “Land based businesses working with nature to contribute more to Scotland's prosperity” should be changed

C) “Responsible stewardship of Scotland's natural resources delivering more benefits to Scotland's people” should be changed

D) “Urban and rural communities better connected to the land, with more people enjoying the land and positively influencing land use” should be changed

Q4: If you consider that one or more objectives need updating, please explain what changes you would like to see in the objective(s). Please make sure you state clearly which objective each suggestion relates to.



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