
Volunteering action plan

Scotland’s volunteering action plan aims to create a Scotland where everyone can volunteer, more often, and throughout their lives. Designed to provide actions over a 10‐year period as a living plan. It seeks to raise the profile of volunteering and its impact on society.

Appendix 5: Evidence Base

Evidence has been central to the systems' methodology applied in the development of the Action Plan: see Appendix 6 which lists the range of evidence sources that have been drawn upon. There were also 'Evidence Sessions' held with four of the Outcome Working Groups:

  • WG 1 – Lifelong engagement
  • WG 3 – Recognition and Celebration
  • WG 4 – Places and Spaces
  • WG 5 – Inclusive Volunteering

Facilitated by Volunteer Scotland, the objective was to review the available evidence with the working group members for each theme. The table below gives the links to the PowerPoint slides, a summary of the evidence sources, and the videos for each of the hour-long sessions.

Lifelong engagement

PowerPoint slides of the evidence

Summary of evidence sources

Video of the 'Evidence Session'

Recognition and celebration

PowerPoint slides of the evidence

Summary of evidence sources

Video of the 'Evidence Session'

Places and spaces

PowerPoint slides of the evidence

Summary of evidence sources

Video of the 'Evidence Session'

Inclusive volunteering

PowerPoint slides of the evidence

Summary of evidence sources

Video of the 'Evidence Session'

In addition, for Working Group 2 on 'Policy Influence', there was a detailed review of the current policy landscape in Scotland, and an assessment of the extent to which the contribution of volunteering was reflected in the relevant policies.

It is important to highlight that the evidence used in the action planning process will also be a helpful resource to the task-focused groups responsible for the rollout of the Plan. It can contribute to the ongoing understanding of the systems involved, help in providing baseline information to inform the monitoring and evaluation of the Plan, and highlight key gaps in evidence - 'what we don't know'.



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