Volunteering action plan

Scotland’s volunteering action plan aims to create a Scotland where everyone can volunteer, more often, and throughout their lives. Designed to provide actions over a 10‐year period as a living plan. It seeks to raise the profile of volunteering and its impact on society.

Appendix 7: Media and permissions

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

With thanks to Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland for supplying the photo resources with permission to use for VAP promotion.


With thanks to Quarriers for supplying the photo resources with permission to use for VAP promotion.

Easthall Residents Association

With thanks to Easthall Residents Association for supplying the photo resources with permission to use for VAP promotion until 17th May 2023.

Flourish House

With thanks to Flourish House for supplying the photo resources with permission to use for VAP promotion until 17th May 2023.


Email: C19-volunteering@gov.scot

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