Volunteering action plan
Scotland’s volunteering action plan aims to create a Scotland where everyone can volunteer, more often, and throughout their lives. Designed to provide actions over a 10‐year period as a living plan. It seeks to raise the profile of volunteering and its impact on society.
1. Volunteering for All: Our National Framework - Scottish Government (2019)
2. Volunteering for All: Our National Framework - Scottish Government (2019) p.19
3. Ibid, p.37
4. Literature Review to Inform the Development of Scotland's Volunteering Outcomes Framework: People, Communities and Places Rutherford, A., Bu, F., Dawson, A., McCall, V. (2019); University of Strathclyde
6. Understanding Volunteering Impact Measurement Practices Across Scotland - Children's Hospices Across Scotland and Volunteer Scotland (2018)
8. Human Learning Systems: Public Services for the Real World - Brogan, A. et al. (2021) p. 102
9. Game Over. Play Again? Complexity and Citizen Engagement in a Post-Social-Media World Snowdon, D. video
10. Webpage for Saltire Awards
11. Webpage for Volunteer Friendly
12. MILO is a data management and reporting platform used by Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs). It enables TSIs to promote local volunteering opportunities and supports volunteers across Scotland.
13. Development a national volunteer passporting scheme - NCVO, blog (2021)
15. Ibid.
16. Scottish Third Sector Perspectives on volunteering during COVID-19: Survey Report - Scottish Government (2022)
17. Connections and cross-sector working during coronavirus (COVID-19) Sharp, C.; Research for Real (2021)
18. Storm Arwen Review - Scottish Government (2022)
20. Digital Inclusion' - guidance, resources, and case studies- SCVO website
21. Volunteering Action Canvases
22. 'Longlist of Actions and Ideas'
23. See Volunteering Action Canvases
24. The latest version of the Volunteering Action Canvases is available via this Google Spreadsheet
25. 'Human. Learning. Systems' - a compilation of resources
26. Appendix 1: 'Simplified' System map (described in a video)
28. Reference materials, bespoke evidence workshops and 'lunch and learn' sessions
Email: C19-volunteering@gov.scot
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