
Scotland's Wellbeing: national outcomes for disabled people

Analysis of the National Performance Framework (NPF) outcome indicators from the perspective of disability.

Annex: NPF Indicators And Disability 

Domain  Indicator Agreed Measure? Measure of Individuals? Disability Data?
Children and young people Child social and physical development  YES YES NO
Child wellbeing and happiness YES YES YES
Children's voices YES YES YES
Healthy start YES YES N/A
Quality of children's services  YES NO N/A
Children have positive relationships  YES YES YES
Child material deprivation  YES YES YES
Communities Perceptions of local area YES YES YES
Loneliness NO N/A N/A
Perceptions of local crime rate YES YES YES
Community land ownership NO N/A N/A
Crime victimisation YES YES YES
Places to interact  NO N/A N/A
Access to green and blue space YES YES YES
Social capital  NO N/A N/A
Culture Attendance at cultural events or places of culture YES YES YES
Participation in a cultural activity YES YES YES
Growth in the cultural economy YES NO N/A
People working in cultural economy  YES YES NO
Economy Productivity  YES NO N/A
International exporting YES NO N/A
Economic growth  YES NO N/A
Carbon footprint YES NO N/A
Natural capital  YES NO N/A
Greenhouse gas emissions YES NO N/A
Access to superfast broadband YES NO N/A
Spend on research and development YES NO N/A
Income inequality  YES NO N/A
Entrepreneurial activity  YES YES NO
Education Educational attainment NO N/A N/A
Confidence of children and young people NO N/A N/A
Resilience of children and young people NO N/A N/A
Work place learning YES YES YES
Engagement in extra- curricular activities NO N/A N/A
Young people's participation YES YES YES
Skill profile of the population YES YES YES
Skill shortage vacancies YES NO N/A
Skills underutilisation YES NO N/A
Environment Visits to the outdoors YES YES YES
State of historic sites YES NO N/A
Condition of protected nature sites  YES NO N/A
Energy from renewable sources YES NO N/A
Waste generated  YES NO N/A
Sustainability of fish stocks YES NO N/A
Biodiversity YES NO N/A
Clean seas YES NO N/A
Fair Work and Business The number of businesses YES NO N/A
High growth businesses YES NO N/A
Innovative businesses YES NO N/A
Economic participation YES NO N/A
Employees on the living wage YES YES NO
Pay gap YES YES NO
Contractually secure work NO NA N/A
Employee voice YES YES YES
Gender balances in organisations YES YES N/A
Health Healthy life expectancy YES YES NO
Mental wellbeing  YES YES YES
Healthy weight YES YES YES
Health risk behaviours YES YES YES
Physical activity YES YES YES
Journeys by active travel  YES YES YES
Quality of care experience YES YES NO
Work related ill health NO N/A N/A
Premature mortality YES NO N/A
Human Rights Public services treat people with dignity and respect NO N/A N/A
Quality of public services YES YES YES
Influence over local decisions YES YES YES
Access to justice YES YES YES
International A positive experience for people coming to Scotland NO N/A N/A
Scotland's reputation YES NO N/A
Scotland's population NO N/A N/A
Trust in public organisations NO N/A N/A
International networks NO N/A N/A
Contribution of development support to other nations NO N/A N/A
Poverty Relative poverty after housing costs YES YES YES
Wealth inequality YES NO N/A
Cost of living YES YES NO
Unmanageable debt YES YES YES
Persistent poverty YES YES NO
Satisfaction with housing YES YES YES
Food insecurity  YES YES YES



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