Scots Language Working Group report: Scottish Government response
Response outlining actions the Scottish Government will be taking forward regarding the consideration of the Scots language.
It gives me great
pleasure to publish the Scottish Government's response to the
report of the Scots Language Working Group. Without doubt, Scots is
an important part of our cultural and linguistic heritage and, over
the last few years, we have taken a number of steps to support
I am grateful to the members of the Working Group, they gave their time and expertise and have produced an informative and interesting report. I have now given careful consideration to the recommendations made by the Working Group and responses to it from the public bodies mentioned.
In my response to the recommendations of the Working Group, I have considered in detail how the recommendations are, or can be, put into practice. I am confident that the efforts of the Scottish Government together with the Scots community will continue to strengthen this valuable part of Scottish life.
Fiona Hyslop
Minister for Culture and External Affairs
Email: – Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit
The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road
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