
Scottish 4G Infill Programme consultation: information request

This public consultation seeks to expand the intervention area of the S4GI

programme from the initial 16 sites; it also sets out our selection criteria.


The Scottish Government ( SG) and Scottish Futures Trust ( SFT) have worked in partnership to develop the Scottish 4G Infill Programme (S4GI). The S4GI programme’s aim is to deliver 4G LTE infrastructure and services to around 50-60 complete “notspots” in Scotland, and is backed with up to £25 million, which includes matched funding from the European Regional Development Fund ( ERDF) to support activity in the Highlands and Islands region of Scotland. The programme has undergone a procurement process and in July 2018 appointed WHP Telecoms Ltd as the infrastructure provider.

In 2017, the programme consulted on a set of proposed target locations which ultimately elicited 16 sites which now comprise the programme’s initial locations. This new consultation seeks to identify further locations which can facilitate the deployment of 4G LTE infill coverage where this does not yet exist, and where it is unlikely that industry will invest in the near to medium term future, given the economic challenges of doing so.


Email: Gareth Wells

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