
Scottish 4G Infill Programme: subsidy control

Information relating to subsidy control in respect of the Scottish 4G Infill Programme.

Details of subsidy control relating to this programme

Subsidy control registration – scheme number SC10260

This scheme operates in line with the subsidy control requirements as set out within the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (Article 366.1). Note, this scheme previously operated under Commission Regulation (EC) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the common market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty (General Block Exemption Regulation) as published in the Official Journal of the European Union (L187/26062014) with scheme reference number SA.50686.

Support for: Aid for broadband infrastructures.

Legal basis

Scottish Ministers exercise their powers under Section 126 of the Housing, Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 to make the grant award for this scheme.

General provisions

The Scottish 4G Infill Programme aims to facilitate the deployment of 4G LTE coverage in Scotland in locations where this does not exist, and where it is unlikely to be deployed commercially to medium-term future, given the economic challenges of so doing.

The programme also seeks to ensure that any infrastructure delivered will support future evolution to 5G through being capable of upgrade.

This will be achieved through procurement of a supplier who will build masts (and associated infrastructure) and deliver 4G LTE services (or contract with a mobile network operator or operators to deliver 4G LTE services) over this infrastructure.

Aid in this scheme will be awarded by means of a grant payment to this supplier following a competitive tender process.

Aid intensities

This scheme intends to fund up to 100% of eligible capital costs.


Excluded areas are those where there currently exists 4G LTE coverage or those areas where 4G LTE is likely to be delivered commercially in the near future (within the next three years), by at least one mobile network operator.

In order to avoid potential distortion of the market, the Scottish Government will assess the extent of existing or planned commercial provision of 4G LTE in candidate locations by conducting a public consultation(s).



Scottish Government
Digital Connectivity Division
Atlantic Quay
G2 8LU

0300 244 4000

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