
Scottish Agricultural Census: final results - June 2020

Final results from the 2020 June Agricultural Census on land use, crop areas, livestock and the number of people working on agricultural holdings. These results replace the provisional figures published on 6 October 2020.

Increase in area used to grow vegetables for human consumption

Area used to grow vegetables for human consumption

21,000 hectares 

A chart showing the area used to grow vegetables for human consumption.

The area used to grow vegetables intended for human consumption (excluding potatoes) grew by 13 per cent over the past year. This increase in area applied to every type of vegetable, with the exception of carrots. 

Area used to grow vegetables for stockfeed

19,300 hectares

Figure Title - figcation
A chart showing the area used to grow vegetables for stockfeed.

The area used to grow animal feed remained relatively stable. A large part of this area is used to grow 'other' vegetables, which includes a wide range of different crops. The peas and beans for stockfeed may also be used for drilling. 



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