Scottish Agricultural Census - News, guidance and sample forms

Guidance and updates around the Scottish Agricultural Census.

Completing the census online

To complete the census online you need to have a Rural Payments and Services (RP&S) account.   

Getting online  

If you do not have a personal RP&S account you will need to create one on the RP&S website. You will need an email address, for verification purposes, that has not been used to create an account before. Once you have an online account you can then attach your business to your account. If your existing business is paper based on RP&S, you will need to follow the ‘claim offline identity’ process to take your business online.   

For more information on how to get online watch our tutorial video’s.  

It can take up to 30 days to have your account approved.

If you have forgotten your login details you can reset these on the RP&S website. A tutorial video is available.   

If you require assistance getting online please contact your local area office.  

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