Scottish Agricultural Census - News, guidance and sample forms

Guidance and updates around the Scottish Agricultural Census.

Troubleshoot of common issues   


Unable to move from one section to another due to an error message  

If you are getting an error message preventing you from moving on from a section, please review your responses and the error message given.   In some cases, an error message might occur if you have entered zero (0) instead of leaving a box completely blank. 


Section 1 : Error message preventing the user from moving to Section 2.

Issue: Leaving empty fields and clicking on Next button, Error message is displayed.


Resolved by: Entering the same values as displayed on the left side and clicking on Next button.

Section 3 : Error message preventing the user from moving onto next page.

Issue: Entering 0.00 in Box 17 and None is Box 18 , Error message is displayed.


Resolved by: Empting both the fields and clicking on Next button.



Error message: The page you requested could not be provided at the moment 

If you receive this error, please click “New session” and log in again. Please type in log in details, rather than copying and pasting. Guidance with images can be found here


For further guidance please visit our guidance page.  

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