
Scottish allied health professions public health strategic framework implementation plan: 2022 to 2027

In 2019, the first UK wide Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Public Health Strategic Framework 2019-2024 was published by all four nations, intended to help AHPs and partners to further develop their role in public health. Thereafter, each nation agreed to develop their own implementation plan.

Moving Forward

Each Programme for Government acknowledges at the outset the Scottish Government's strong commitment to recovery, population health and ensuring that the vision and objectives of the National Performance Framework are at the heart of our activity and that of our partners. This Implementation Plan will support us in delivering on this commitment in collaboration with our partners.

The Chief Nursing Officer Directorate has policy responsibility for Allied Health Professionals and therefore plays a key role in working collaboratively across the Scottish Government and with external partners to ensure that the role of AHPs is maximised within both key policy priorities and more generally throughout the development and delivery of Scottish Government policy.

We do this through working collaboratively with other Scottish Government Directorates in the development of their policies and through the development and delivery of strategies and action plans developed with key stakeholder groups such as the Scottish Executive Nurse Directors (SEND) and Scottish Directors of Allied Health Profession (SDAHP).

Delivery and Governance

The Implementation Plan needs to be implemented locally but supported nationally. The Chief Allied Health Professions Officer (CAHPO) in collaboration with lead partners (including professional bodies) of the Scottish AHP Public Health Implementation Plan 2022-2027, will provide strategic leadership to oversee the implementation of the Scottish AHP Strategic Framework across all four nations and AHP professions. A National Oversight Group will support this. But fundamentally, it is AHPs in NHS boards who will be supported to drive implementation and further impact in the area of AHP public health practice.

To facilitate this, it is recommended dedicated AHP professional forums should continue to be developed and strengthened in each NHS board, to oversee local delivery of the Implementation Plan in accordance with NHS board structures.


The National Oversight Group, including lead partners, will oversee progress monitoring and programme management of the AHP Public Health Implementation Plan providing an annual progress report (the first due on 31 March 2023). The group will report to the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer (CAHPO), as Chair and the Strategy and Policy Team in the Chief Nursing Officer Directorate at Scottish Government providing an update on progress highlighting, as appropriate, any changing situations that may impact on delivery of the agreed actions within the five strategic goals.



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