
Scottish allied health professions public health strategic framework implementation plan: 2022 to 2027

In 2019, the first UK wide Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Public Health Strategic Framework 2019-2024 was published by all four nations, intended to help AHPs and partners to further develop their role in public health. Thereafter, each nation agreed to develop their own implementation plan.

Our Approach

In setting the context for our vision for this Implementation Plan, understanding the progress we have made is vital.

In April 2016, the national AHP Active and Independent Living Programme (AILP) was launched with a vision to support the people of Scotland to live active, independent healthy lives by supporting them with their personal outcomes – the Framework was published on the Scottish Government Website, promoting the optimisation of population health and wellbeing.[15] In January 2016, Ready to Act - A transformational plan for Children and young people, their parents, carers and families who require support from AHPs was published on the Scottish Government Website, to support the health and wellbeing of children and young people to meet evolving needs[16]; an essential component of AILP.

Its core ambitions included a focus on public health, earlier access to AHPs, greater public awareness of AHP services, partnership working in the health and social care system, research and innovation, and workforce planning; the improvement programmes within AILP drove this agenda further and supported the maximisation of AHP skills and knowledge and this implementation plan aims to build on this work further.

The Scottish AHP Public Health Strategic Framework Implementation Group

The Scottish AHP Public Health Strategic Framework Implementation Plan was developed through the work of the fixed-life stakeholder reference group, the Scottish AHP Public Health Strategic Framework Implementation Group. It included representatives from the Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, NHS Education for Scotland, Higher Educational Institutions, Allied Health Professionals Federation Scotland, NHS Boards, Professional Bodies, Scottish Ambulance Service and Alzheimer Scotland.

This group was established to advise on and support the development of this implementation plan by considering the significant actions required, appropriate progress indicators and lead delivery organisations for inclusion in the plan.

This five-year plan will be kept under review by a National Oversight Group and discussions will be held with delivery partners regarding the scheduling of associated actions, in alignment with wider pressures across the system. It is intended to set out a roadmap for the journey to achieving our long-term vision.



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