
Scottish allied health professions public health strategic framework implementation plan: 2022 to 2027

In 2019, the first UK wide Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Public Health Strategic Framework 2019-2024 was published by all four nations, intended to help AHPs and partners to further develop their role in public health. Thereafter, each nation agreed to develop their own implementation plan.

Strategic Goal 3: Increasing the Profile of the AHP Public Health Role

To ensure AHPs will be recognised as valuable public health experts through ongoing profile raising of the AHP contribution to public health.

It is important to improve the awareness and recognition that AHPs receive for their role in public health promotion and in having innovative services that improve the health and outcomes of the people that use them.

AHPs have and will continue to benefit from being more aware of best practice examples that are happening in Scotland, and using methods such as case studies, posters and conferences will be a core method of sharing this information across services and Health Boards. Using resources such as the Royal Society for Public Health's AHP Case Study repository[18] and the AHP Scots Blog,[19] AHPs can demonstrate how they are working to support public health priorities and learn from best practice examples across Scotland and the UK.

As well as promoting greater communication among AHPs, this goal also focuses on the importance of awareness raising with the public so that the people of Scotland are aware of the expertise that AHPs can provide when dealing with a range of conditions.

Key outcomes include:

  • AHPs understand their profession's role and contribution to public health, prevention and early intervention;
  • External partners understand the AHP contribution to public health, prevention. and early intervention.

The Royal Society for Public Health's Allied Health Professions Hub

RSPH | Allied Health Professions hub

The RSPH AHP Hub was created through a new collaboration with RSPH, Public Health England, the Welsh Government, the Northern Ireland Government, the Scottish Government, the Public Health Agency and key partner organisations. It will be continuously updated with the latest guidance, advice and reports to support the work of all Allied Health Professions.

The aim of the hub is to provide information, encourage best practice and tell success stories of professionals who do incredible work every day to protect and improve the public's health.

AHP Scot Blog

AHPs across health and social care. (

The AHP Scot Blog is a Scottish resource for AHPs to share resources and best practice in the innovative ways they are working in Scotland.


We will continue to ensure that the public health skills of AHPs are recognised and reflected in the development and delivery of Scottish Government policy through the leadership role of the Chief AHP Officer and effective engagement with the AHP Directors.

By when? (short, medium or long term)



  • Scottish Government
  • AHP Directors
  • Chief Allied Health Profession Officer


We will initiate a series of recorded webinars chaired by the Chief Allied Health Professions Officer through which we will highlight a range of AHP interventions and approaches being utilised across Scotland. 6 webinars will be available annually across each of the six Public Health Scotland priorities.

These webinars will feature AHP leaders working across all settings and will reflect both local and national work with opportunity for wider collaboration and engagement across the Health and Social Care system to support AHPs in raising their profile.

By when? (short, medium or long term)



  • Chief Allied Health Profession Officer
  • Scottish Government
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • Public Health Scotland


We will continue to support AHPs to showcase their contribution to public health through attendance at local and national seminars, conferences, written blogs and case studies. This will include the Chamberlain Dunn Awards and the Scottish Health Awards.

By when? (short, medium or long term)



  • Scottish Government
  • AHP Directors


We will task a working group to identify and develop a communication plan and support the development of a community of practice which includes effective use of social media and other communication channels to promote the AHP contribution to public health, strengthening links with the existing national AHP social media group.

By when? (short, medium or long term)

Short - Medium


  • Scottish Government
  • NHS Education for Scotland


Building on the work of Scotland's Allied Health Professions Compendium 2020, we will develop and disseminate a new Public Health focused Compendium Report to help Scotland's leaders and citizens better understand the difference Allied Health Professionals make to public health.

By when? (short, medium or long term)

Short - Medium


  • AHP Federation Scotland



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