
Scottish allied health professions public health strategic framework implementation plan: 2022 to 2027

In 2019, the first UK wide Allied Health Professions (AHPs) Public Health Strategic Framework 2019-2024 was published by all four nations, intended to help AHPs and partners to further develop their role in public health. Thereafter, each nation agreed to develop their own implementation plan.

Strategic Goal 4: Strategic Connections and Leadership:

To ensure effective relationships will exist between AHPs and system leaders at local and national levels to make best use of AHPs to improve public health and reduce inequalities.

For AHPs to realise their full potential in public health improvement, their services must be fully integrated into their local health and social care system. In order to improve this, AHPs will be supported to develop stronger relationships with local leadership, to ensure that their expertise and experience in public health are recognised, feed in to service design and influence local decision making. Greater strategic connections and involvement with key leadership will enable AHPs to feel listened to and better valued.

Key outcomes include:

  • AHPs have leadership skills to articulate their contribution to public health, prevention and early intervention;
  • AHPs have strong relationships and connections with system leaders to improve population health and reduce inequalities.


We will develop a mechanism to draw on and disseminate learning from national AHP leads using public health principles while working in a diverse range of settings and sectors including in the NHS, Social Security Scotland, voluntary sector and social care sector.

By when? (short, medium or long term)



  • Scottish Government


We will develop a National Leadership Development Programme (NLDP) and continue to promote the Project Lift Offer to support leadership and development in NHS Boards.

By when? (short, medium or long term)

Short - Medium


  • Scottish Government


We will encourage AHP Directors to strengthen relationships between senior AHPs and senior Public Health/Health Improvement staff within NHS Boards and Health & Social Care Partnerships.

By when? (short, medium or long term)



  • Health Boards


We will support AHP Directors to strengthen integration of public health priorities into service transformation including early intervention and prevention, workforce planning and workforce development and whole system working.

By when? (short, medium or long term)

Medium - long


  • Scottish Government
  • Chief Allied Health Professions Officer
  • Public Health Scotland


We will enable and engage AHPs to connect to the development of ambition for Public Health in Scotland to be a world class public health system.

By when? (short, medium or long term)



  • Public Health Scotland



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