
Scottish Animal Welfare Commission: annual report 2023-2024

Annual report of the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) showing activity for the year 2023 to 2024.

4. Work Plan and Work Group Activity

In the past 12 months the Commission has held four plenary meetings – in November 2023 and in May and August 2024, with a fifth planned for November 2024. Minutes and records of attendance are published routinely and held in the Documents section of the Commission’s web page.

The Commission published its initial work plan in July 2020. Annual refreshed plans have since been published, including the most recent in September 2024. Smaller working groups lead the projects and also discuss some areas identified for consideration in the medium term. Updates on the activity and output of these groups is as follows (Where reports are referenced, further information can be found in the “Publications” section):


The working group was formed to consider the welfare of farmed fish in Scotland, including to provide an opinion on the welfare aspects of practices that are required to make the sector sustainable. The group initially considered the welfare issues arising for farmed Atlantic salmon, and wild animals when protecting farmed fish from predation by seals (such as use of acoustic deterrents), and published a report on acoustic deterrent devices in March 2023. The working group is now focusing on the welfare issues surrounding the use of cleaner fish in salmon farming, and expects to report on its findings by the end of 2024.

Dog Training

The working group was initially established to review whether dog trainers and dog training methods should be regulated. The group tasked itself with reviewing and providing an initial report on the welfare issues associated with the use of electronic collars on dogs, and published a report in April 2023. The working group has since been focusing on the welfare issues surrounding other aversive training devices, and expects to report on its findings by the end of 2024.

Responsible Cat Care

A working group was set up at the beginning of 2023 to consider the welfare issues relating to domestic cat ownership, including of microchipping, neutering, vaccination, feral cats and the impacts on wildcat populations. The working group expects to complete a report by the end of 2024.


A Sentience Sub-Committee was set up at the end of 2021, and continues to assist the other members of SAWC in filtering and prioritising issues relating to animal sentience, as well as assembling evidence in relation to fish sentience. The sub-committee continues to address questions of animal sentience, including in invertebrates, as support to other members of SAWC and in forward planning for emerging issues.

Wildlife Welfare

The Scottish Government has a Programme for Government commitment to publish ‘a strategic approach to wildlife management that puts animal welfare at the centre while protecting public health and economic and conservation considerations.” SAWC continues to engage with NatureScot on their wildlife welfare principles, which forms part of this commitment. The working group has been considering the issue of translocations and reintroductions of wild animal species, and a paper is expected to be completed in early 2025.

Local authorities handling animal welfare issues

A working group was formed to consider reviewing how different authorities deal with animal welfare issues, whether there are experts who can assess welfare and whether any future recommendations could feasibly be met by the local authorities. A report is expected to be completed by the first half of 2025.

Abattoir provision and opportunities for mobile slaughterhouses

A working group was formed in September 2023 to review the welfare issues around numbers of abattoirs and their geographical distribution, slaughter journey times and the welfare of animals killed in mobile slaughterhouses. A report is expected to be completed by the first half of 2025.

Performing animals and animal encounters (potentially including therapy animals)

SAWC formed a working group in October 2024 to provide an opinion on welfare of animals used under these different types of management, including the lives of these animals when not on exhibit/in use.

Review of Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006

2026 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act. SAWC members have agreed to set up a working group in order to review it.

Other areas of the work plan that may be considered in the future:

Wildcat reintroduction

Opportunity for SAWC to review policy in this area or provide an opinion on welfare issues at some point.

Equine Welfare

Members agreed to set up a working group in 2025 to consider aspects of equine welfare for the leisure horse sector, such as ID and movement, equine management and risks of social isolation.



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