
Scottish Animal Welfare Commission: annual report 2020 to 2021

Annual report of the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) showing activity for the year 2020 to 2021.

Conclusions and Forward Look

During its first 12 months, under difficult circumstances, SAWC has established its ways of working, built relationships with other related bodies and been able to develop and publish key recommendations on a number of areas relating to wildlife welfare. It has also provided expertise in addressing specific welfare-related consultations, and provided information to the Scottish Ministers on important welfare issues. For a number of large and complex areas we have established expert working groups, and are gathering evidence to provide reports.

Many areas of welfare are complex and contested, there are rarely simple and black and white answers, and for many issues protecting the welfare of one species, may impact on the welfare of another. As SAWC undertakes consideration of these areas in the future, it will rely on the strength of evidence, and take into consideration the experiences and expertise of those who work in the relevant sectors. SAWC strives to remain independent with animal welfare at the forefront of its decision-making at all times.



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