
Exotic pets - Scottish Animal Welfare Commission: interim report

An interim report produced by the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission on exotic pets in Scotland.

4. Evidence gathered

SAWC’s exotic pets work group consulted a number of different sectors during its enquiries.

  • Scottish local authorities and other enforcement authorities, including Scottish Government, Animal and Plant Health Authority (APHA), Scottish SPCA, Heathrow Animal Reception Centre, National Wildlife Crime Unit
  • Pet trade and industry stakeholders, including pet industry representative bodies and individual keepers/traders
  • Scottish/UK animal welfare NGOs and stakeholders
  • EU stakeholders and officials
  • UK veterinary schools
  • The Pet Advertising Advisory Group (PAAG)

Questions were tailored to be relevant to the different sectors, although there was some overlap. These questions are set out in full at Appendix II.

This report is based on the submissions received by SAWC in response to these questions.

The academic sources cited in this report have been derived, directly or indirectly, from the submissions received. SAWC is aware that this may not represent a comprehensive survey of the available sources and for that reason hasrecommended that a full literature review be undertaken before it publishes a final Opinion . Options for commissioning such a review are currently being explored.

The report reproduces a good deal of evidence verbatim and the use of terminology is not always consistent. An appendix of scientific names is in preparation.

Further information is awaited regarding the proportion of veterinary undergraduate teaching time allocated to exotic animals, which SAWC believes to be disproportionately low.

Further information is also being sought about small mammals.



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