
Scottish Animal Welfare Commission minutes: 26 November 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 26 November 2024.

Attendees and apologies

Scottish Animal Welfare Commission (SAWC) members

  • Cathy Dwyer, Chair
  • Libby Anderson
  • Mike Radford
  • Mike Flynn
  • Andrew Kitchener
  • Simon Girling
  • Pete Goddard
  • Paula Boyden
  • Marie Haskell
  • Ellie Wigham
  • Harvey Carruthers
  • James Yeates

Animal Welfare Committee (AWC)

  • Madeleine Campbell, Chair

Scottish Government

  • Jim Fairlie, Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity
  • Ellie Munro, Ministerial Private Secretary
  • Andrew Voas, Veterinary Head of Animal Welfare
  • Andy McKinlay, Policy Officer and Secretariat Support, Animal Welfare Team
  • Sam Turner, Team Leader, Wildlife Management

Items and actions


The Chair welcomed the Minister to the last plenary meeting of 2024 (the Minister attended from 1000-1100).  The Chair  provided an overview of SAWC’s role and some of the highlights of its recent work.  The other members then introduced themselves to the Minister, and provided summaries of the various work steams they have been undertaking.  The Minister thanked SAWC for providing a comprehensive overview of its activity, and extended his gratitude for all the continued hard work it has undertaken since its establishment in 2020. 

The Chair also welcomed Madeleine Campbell, Chair of the Animal Welfare Committee (AWC).

Updates and Activity since last plenary meeting


Since the last plenary meeting in August 2024:

SAWC published its annual report of its activities

SAWC published its annual review of Scottish Government activity affecting the welfare of animals, as sentient beings

SAWC submitted a response to a NatureScot consultation on species licensing

SAWC has been working on responses to consultations on pre-slaughter stunning in pigs; and the feasibility of positive lists for pets

SAWC Commissioner Andrew Kitchener delivered a presentation on SAWC’s work on translocations and reintroductions at the National Species Reintroduction Forum on 25th September

SAWC Commissioner Ellie Wigham delivered a presentation on abattoir provision in Scotland and opportunities for mobile slaughterhouses at a Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) seminar on 26th October

SAWC’s working groups have continued to work on a range of animal welfare issues (see Work Group Updates section below)

Scottish Government

Officials continue to monitor and work with  DEFRA on issues which may extend to Scotland or have a potential impact in Scotland

The Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Act 2024 is now in force

The Welfare of Dogs (Scotland) Bill has passed stage 2; with stage 3 to follow soon

Analysis of responses to a consultation on phasing out cages for laying hens and game birds is ongoing

Work on future agricultural support is ongoing

A Joint Ministerial Summit on dog control and dog welfare was held with stakeholders in September

Work is ongoing in several other areas, including on:

  • Castration and tail docking of lambs
  • Livestock transport between islands and mainland Scotland; and welfare of trade
  • Welfare of fish at time of killing

Animal Welfare Commission

Madeleine Campbell provided an update on some of its ongoing work, including activity around the following areas:

  • International rehoming
  • Precision bred animals
  • Livestock breeding
  • High concentration CO2 stunning of pigs
  • Welfare implications of feline breeding practices
  • Welfare implications of specialised canine reproductive practices
  • The recent publication of AWC's workplan for 2024-25

Work Group Updates


The working group has concluded its discussions on the issue of cleanerfish and engage with relevant stakeholders and has begun drafting a report.

Dog Training

The working group has concluded its discussions on the issue of other aversive training measures with relevant stakeholders and has begun drafting a report.

Some SAWC Commissioners attended a Joint Ministerial Summit on dog control and dog welfare in September.


Discussions on fish sentience and their capabilities, and perceived inconsistencies in the existing legislation, have been ongoing and members have begun drafting a report.

Wildlife Welfare

A catch up with NatureScot was held in early in November.

Commissioner Andrew Kitchener delivered a presentation on SAWC’s work on translocations and reintroductions at the National Species Reintroduction Forum on 25th September.

The SG Wildlife Management team also shared updates on current activity, including around glue traps, snaring, trapping licensing and deer management.

Local Authorities Handling Animal Welfare Issues

The working group continues to discuss these issues and has been reaching out to local authorities across Scotland to learn about the issues they face.

Responsible Cat Care

Members continue to work on a report and hope that it will be ready for publication by the end of 2024.

Slaughter and Mobile Abattoirs

This working group continues to discuss issues around slaughter and mobile abattoirs, and continues to engage with various stakeholders and gather evidence in relation to animal movements to slaughter in Scotland.

A couple of members visited an abattoir in Dingwall to further understand the challenges experienced.

Commissioner Ellie Wigham delivered a presentation on abattoir provision in Scotland and opportunities for mobile slaughterhouses at a Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) seminar on 26th October.

Performing Animals

The first working group meeting to discuss the welfare of animals used under different types of management, including the lives of these animals when not on exhibit/in use, was held in October.

Work Plan Discussion

Members discussed the revised workplan, which was published in October. 

Next Meeting/s

The next plenary meeting will take place on Tuesday 18th February 2025.

Any other business

It was highlighted that a Cross Party Group meeting on Animal Welfare would be held online on 4th December.

It has been announced that EuroFAWC’s annual meeting in 2025 will be held in June, in Vienna. 


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