Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2022

Data relating to the Production, Construction and Service Sectors in Scotland.

Industry Profiles

Please find below summary profiles for six different industry sectors.

The underlying data for these profiles is also available from the Scottish Annual Business Statistics (SABS) 2022 - Time Series Tables.

Profile of Scottish Manufacturing Sector


Key facts:

  • in 2022, approximate Gross Value Added (aGVA) in manufacturing amounted to £15.3 billion, compared to aGVA in the non-financial services sector of £68.8 billion and £9.3 billion in construction              
  • between 2021 and 2022, aGVA in manufacturing increased by around £1.1 billion (8.0%) 
  • Scottish manufacturing accounted for around 6.7% of total UK manufacturing in terms of turnover and 8.4% of aGVA in 2022 
  • the two largest contributions to aGVA within manufacturing in 2022 came from the beverages industry [SIC 11] at £2.8 billion (18.2% of total manufacturing aGVA) and food products industry [SIC 10] at £1.6 billion (10.7%) - together these two industry divisions accounted for around 28.9% of total manufacturing aGVA   
  • in 2022, within manufacturing, foreign-owned companies accounted for 40.2% of aGVA, whilst UK (Scotland registered) firms accounted for 46.5% of aGVA - by comparison, in the services sector, foreign-owned companies accounted for 26.6% of aGVA, whilst UK (Scotland registered) firms accounted for 53.9% of aGVA 
  • the local authority areas contributing most to total aGVA within manufacturing in 2022 were Glasgow City (8.9%), Fife (8.0%) and Renfrewshire (7.0%)

Table A: Outputs & Employment in Scottish Manufacturing sector in 2008-2022

Year No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
2008 9,115 203.6 40,386.9 13,053.6
2009 9,124 194.6 34,574.1 12,675.5
2010 8,741 177.4 35,280.3 12,500.0
2011 8,702 181.4 38,912.5 12,018.3
2012 8,881 184.7 32,741.9 11,937.0
2013 9,072 176.6 33,144.0 12,123.1
2014 9,095 188.4 36,197.2 13,466.4
2015 9,633 181.3 33,870.8 12,099.9
2016 10,127 182.0 33,388.4 12,260.2
2017 10,393 185.2 34,973.4 12,401.8
2018 10,538 179.4 34,886.5 12,310.1
2019 10,225 169.2 35,589.0 12,968.1
2020 10,285 178.0 32,596.4 12,169.8
2021 10,291 177.5 36,766.7 14,202.9
2022 10,221 171.1 41,136.8 15,342.3

Table B: Geographical split: Top 6 Local Authority areas in 2022 in terms of shares of Manufacturing Gross Value Added 

Local Authority No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
GLASGOW CITY 1,029 18.4 3,758.5 1,358.8
FIFE 630 13.2 3,646.1 1,226.3
RENFREWSHIRE 348 7.5 3,290.8 1,079.6
NORTH LANARKSHIRE 564 11.1 2,268.5 977.1
ABERDEENSHIRE 802 12.7 2,874.6 964.6
ABERDEEN CITY 480 8.6 1,855.0 857.1
SCOTLAND 10,221 171.1 41,136.8 15,342.3

Figure 1: The sector contributing most to total aGVA within manufacturing in 2022 was Food, Beverages and Tobacco products (28.9%).

Chart showing shares of Scotland's Manufacturing sector's Units, Employment, Turnover and approximate Gross Value Added in 2022.       

 A bar chart showing that Food, Beverages and Tobacco products (28.9%) contributed most to total aGVA within manufacturing in 2022 and also had the largest Turnover share (31.1%).   

Source: Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2022 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see Table C.

Table C: Scottish Manufacturing by Division (2-digit SIC) groupings in 2022

Description No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
Food, Beverages and Tobacco products (SIC 10, 11, 12) 1,602 43.8 12,813.7 4,438.0
Textiles, Wearing apparel and Leather products (SIC 13, 14, 15) 604 6.6 818.8 336.5
Wood, Paper and Printing products (SIC 16, 17, 18) 1,731 15.9 3,652.8 1,277.3
Coke, Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Rubber and Mineral products (SIC 19, 20, 21, 22, 23) 955 22.9 9,056.7 3,385.0
Basic and Fabricated metals, Machinery, Motor Vehicles and Other transport equipment (SIC 24, 25, 28, 29, 30)   2,604 47.8 7,800.1 2,965.1
Computer, electronic and Electrical equipment (SIC 26, 27)    553 15.1 2,986.3 1,112.1
Furniture, Other manufacturing, Repair and installation (SIC 31, 32, 33) 2,172 18.9 4,008.4 1,828.1
Manufacturing (SIC 10 to 33) 10,221 171.1 41,136.8 15,342.3

Profile of Scottish Spirits Sector


Key facts:      

  • in 2022, approximate Gross Value Added (aGVA) in the Scottish spirits sector was £2.5 billion and turnover was £5.1 billion
  • aGVA in the Scottish spirits sector increased by 16.3% between 2021 and 2022 (from £2.2 billion to £2.5 billion)   
  • the Scottish spirits sector accounts for a vast proportion of the total UK output of the industry (around 85% for turnover and 91% of aGVA in 2022)  
  • in 2022, Scottish spirits accounted for 12% of turnover and 16% of aGVA in Scottish manufacturing as a whole   
  • the spirits sector is important to the Scottish Beverages industry, accounting for 81.0% of its total turnover and 89.5% of its total aGVA in 2022            
  • in 2022, average aGVA per head (£261,200) for spirits was around three times greater than for the manufacturing sector as a whole (£89,700) - whilst labour costs per head for spirits (£57,900) were around a third higher compared to the wider manufacturing sector (£43,400)    
  • the top five local authority areas in terms of aGVA in 2022 (West Dunbartonshire, Glasgow City, Fife, Moray & North Lanarkshire) together accounted for 31% of the business sites, 60% of employment, 68% of turnover and 70% of aGVA in the spirits sector

Table A: Outputs & Employment in Scottish Spirits sector in 2008-2022

Year No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
2008 148 7.8 3,020.4 1,850.8
2009 150 7.9 3,048.3 2,158.5
2010 145 7.4 3,441.7 2,073.0
2011 142 7.7 3,755.4 2,227.2
2012 140 7.4 3,729.2 2,015.2
2013 146 7.4 3,496.4 1,859.7
2014 157 7.8 3,380.2 1,856.2
2015 186 8.1 3,222.8 1,775.4
2016 212 7.6 3,358.3 1,878.2
2017 243 7.8 3,191.1 1,962.6
2018 271 9.5 3,756.5 2,182.6
2019 298 8.6 4,102.6 2,157.8
2020 320 8.5 3,487.2 1,774.2
2021 341 9.0 4,012.0 2,155.8
2022 354 9.6 5,074.8 2,506.2

Figure 1: The sub-sectors contributing most to total aGVA within Beverages in 2022 were Spirits (89.5%) and Soft drinks (5.3%).      

Chart below shows shares of Scotland's Beverages sub-sector's Units, Employment, Turnover & approximate Gross Value Added in 2022.           

A bar chart showing that Spirits (89.5%) contributed most to total aGVA within beverages in 2022 and also had the largest Turnover share (81.0%).                                                         

Source: Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2022 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see Table B. 

Table B: Scottish Beverages by sub-sector in 2022

Description No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
Distilling, rectifying and blending of spirits (SIC 11.01) 354 9.6 5,074.8 2,506.2
Manufacture of cider, other fruit wines, other non-distilled fermented beverages & malt (SIC11.03, 11.04 & 11.06) 17 0.3 201.2 56.8
Manufacture of beer (SIC 11.05) 128 1.4 513.9 87.7
Manufacture of soft drinks (SIC 11.07) 36 1.4 475.5 148.9
Manufacture of Beverages (SIC 11) 535 12.7 6,265.4 2,799.6

Profile of Scottish Shipbuilding Sector


Key facts:

  • in 2022, approximate Gross Value Added (aGVA) in the Scottish shipbuilding sector was around £0.4 billion, whilst turnover was £1.2 billion 
  • Scottish shipbuilding accounted for a fairly significant proportion of total UK output of the industry (around 20% for turnover and 15% for aGVA in 2022) - by comparison, Scotland accounted for around 7% of turnover and 8% of aGVA of total UK manufacturing in 2022         
  • shipbuilding is a significant contributor to the Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector, accounting for 39.8% of total aGVA in the related sector in 2022                                                                                   
  • the top five local authority areas in 2022 (Glasgow City, Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Inverclyde & Fife) accounted for 32% of the business sites, 82% of employment, 89% of turnover and 90% of aGVA in the shipbuilding sector    
  • in 2022, the shipbuilding sector accounted for around 3% of turnover and aGVA in Scottish manufacturing as a whole

Table A: Outputs & Employment in Scottish Shipbuilding sector in 2008-2022

Year No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
2008 135 6.7 797.4 201.8
2009 135 6.7 1,285.9 476.9
2010 139 7.0 1,410.8 487.8
2011 137 7.1 1,414.0 488.0
2012 142 7.0 1,508.5 457.0
2013 152 6.9 1,218.1 412.6
2014 166 7.3 1,406.6 513.2
2015 200 7.1 1,629.0 430.0
2016 209 7.1 1,076.3 202.9
2017 177 7.6 1,524.4 475.6
2018 175 7.0 1,205.9 272.6
2019 177 6.2 1,093.7 413.7
2020 176 6.5 869.2 264.4
2021 179 6.7 1,023.8 393.7
2022 168 7.1 1,221.1 401.3

Figure 1: The industries contributing most to total aGVA within Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector in 2022 were Shipbuilding (39.8%) and Aerospace (31.3%).

Chart below shows shares of Scotland's Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector's Units, Employment, Turnover & approximate Gross Value Added in 2022.

A bar chart showing that Shipbuilding (39.8%) contributed most to total aGVA within Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector in 2022 and also had the largest employment share (46.1%).

Source: Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2022 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see Table B.

Table B: Industry breakdowns within Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector in 2022

Description No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
Shipbuilding (SIC 30.11 & 33.15) 168 7.1 1,221.1 401.3
Aerospace (SIC 30.3 & 33.16) 110 4.4 1,395.4 315.0
Pleasure boats, railways, military vehicles & transport equipment (SIC 30.12, 30.2, 30.4 & 30.9) 64 0.4 19.8 9.0
Motor vehicles, trailers (SIC 29) 155 3.5 692.9 282.0
Transport related manufacturing sector 497 15.4 3,329.2 1,007.3

Profile of Scottish Aerospace Sector 


Key facts:                                                                       

  • in 2022, approximate Gross Value Added (aGVA) in the Scottish aerospace sector was £0.3 billion (3.3% of UK total), whilst turnover was £1.4 billion (5.5% of UK total)
  • aGVA in the Scottish aerospace sector increased by around half between 2021 and 2022 (from £0.2 billion to £0.3 billion)    
  • aerospace is a significant contributor to the Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector, accounting for 31.3% of total aGVA in the related sector in 2022  
  • the top three local authority areas in 2022 (South Ayrshire, Renfrewshire & Aberdeen City) accounted for 36% of the business sites in the aerospace sector, 80% of employment, 92% of turnover and 81% of aGVA  
  • in 2022, the aerospace sector accounted for around 3% of turnover and 2% of aGVA in Scottish manufacturing as a whole     

Table A: Outputs & Employment in Scottish Aerospace sector in 2008-2022

Year No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
2008 55 5.7 1,549.5 366.1
2009 54 5.5 1,598.2 471.8
2010 56 5.1 1,538.5 404.1
2011 66 5.0 1,581.9 444.4
2012 72 5.1 1,567.5 376.3
2013 74 5.0 1,768.6 521.8
2014 85 4.5 1,672.8 437.7
2015 99 4.2 1,690.4 371.9
2016 131 4.3 1,999.3 262.8
2017 163 4.6 2,297.6 412.4
2018 158 4.9 2,262.9 268.4
2019 165 5.1 2,280.4 287.5
2020 170 5.3 1,571.7 342.6
2021 131 4.9 1,160.8 210.4
2022 110 4.4 1,395.4 315.0

Figure 1: The industries contributing most to total aGVA within the Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector in 2022 were Shipbuilding (39.8%) and Aerospace (31.3%). 

Chart below shows shares of Scotland's Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector's Units, Employment, Turnover & approximate Gross Value Added in 2022.                                                                                                                                                              

A bar chart showing that Shipbuilding (39.8%) and Aerospace (31.3%) contributed most to total aGVA within Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector in 2022, Aerospace had the largest Turnover share (41.9%).                                                                                                                                                                       

Source: Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2022 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see Table B. 

Table B: Industry breakdowns within Scottish Transport related manufacturing sector in 2022

Description No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
Aerospace (SIC 30.3 & 33.16) 110 4.4 1,395.4 315.0
Shipbuilding (SIC 30.11 & 33.15) 168 7.1 1,221.1 401.3
Pleasure boats, railways, military vehicles & transport equipment (SIC 30.12, 30.2, 30.4 & 30.9) 64 0.4 19.8 9.0
Motor vehicles, trailers (SIC 29) 155 3.5 692.9 282.0
Transport related manufacturing sector 497 15.4 3,329.2 1,007.3


Profile of Scottish Construction Sector


Key facts:    

  • in 2022, approximate Gross Value Added (aGVA) in construction amounted to £9.3 billion, compared to aGVA in the non-financial services sector of £68.8 billion and £15.3 billion in manufacturing                                                           
  • between 2021 and 2022, aGVA in construction increased by £0.5 billion (5.5%)                                                            
  • Scottish construction accounted for around 7.5% of total UK construction in terms of both turnover and aGVA in 2022    
  • the sub-sectors making the largest contribution to Scottish construction aGVA in 2022 were construction of residential and non-residential buildings (29.2%) & electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities (24.5%)
  • in 2022, within construction, foreign-owned companies accounted for 9.8% of aGVA, whilst UK (Scotland registered) firms accounted for 77.4% of aGVA - by comparison, within manufacturing, foreign-owned companies accounted for 40.2% of aGVA, whilst UK (Scotland registered) firms accounted for 46.5% of aGVA     
  • the local authority areas contributing most to total aGVA within construction in 2022 were Glasgow City (12.0%), North Lanarkshire (10.6%) and City of Edinburgh (10.1%)

Table A: Outputs & Employment in Scottish Construction sector in 2008-2022

Year No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
2008 19,821 151.7 18,094.9 7,909.0
2009 18,990 135.4 15,322.6 5,979.4
2010 18,542 124.2 15,923.1 6,153.7
2011 18,712 127.8 15,017.0 5,841.5
2012 18,143 113.5 15,016.3 5,953.5
2013 18,164 123.3 15,272.3 6,336.9
2014 18,494 129.7 15,911.8 6,591.7
2015 19,134 130.1 17,430.7 7,175.4
2016 20,455 135.3 17,739.3 7,028.0
2017 21,168 137.5 18,925.4 7,765.7
2018 21,600 135.8 19,842.2 7,750.5
2019 21,809 131.6 19,974.3 7,984.8
2020 21,945 122.0 17,063.4 6,721.2
2021 22,595 150.8 21,378.9 8,820.1
2022 23,037 143.3 24,155.0 9,305.8

Table B: Geographical split: Top 6 Local Authority areas in 2022 in terms of shares of Construction Gross Value Added 

Local Authority No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
GLASGOW CITY 2,054 18.8 3,070.6 1,120.6
NORTH LANARKSHIRE 1,572 14.7 2,703.3 988.2
CITY OF EDINBURGH 1,775 9.1 2,155.5 940.5
WEST LOTHIAN 700 9.6 1,270.3 621.1
FIFE 1,422 7.9 1,295.0 566.5
ABERDEENSHIRE 1,577 8.0 1,528.2 540.3
SCOTLAND 23,037 143.3 24,155.0 9,305.8

Figure 1: The sub-sectors contributing most to total aGVA within construction in 2022 were construction of residential and non-residential buildings (29.2%) & electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities (24.5%).

Chart below shows shares of Scotland's Construction sector's Units, Employment, Turnover & approximate Gross Value Added in 2022.

A bar chart showing that construction of residential and non-residential buildings (29.2%) contributed most to total aGVA within construction in 2022 and also had the largest Turnover share (36.7%).

Source: Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2022 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see Table C.

Table C: Scottish Construction sector by sub-sector in 2022

Description No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
Construction of residential and non-residential buildings (SIC 41.2) 3,377 30.8 8,867.2 2,721.2
Construction of other civil engineering projects (SIC 42.9) 929 10.5 2,362.4 818.0
Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities (SIC 43.2) 6,642 45.4 4,782.9 2,278.1
Building completion and finishing (SIC 43.3) 6,295 25.1 2,694.7 1,277.9
Other specialised construction activities (SIC 43.9) 2,824 16.0 1,666.0 802.9
Other Construction (SIC 41.1, 42.1, 42.2 & 43.1) 2,970 15.5 3,781.8 1,407.7
Construction totals (SIC 41 to 43) 23,037 143.3 24,155.0 9,305.8

Profile of Scottish Retail Sector


Key facts: 

  • in 2022, approximate Gross Value Added (aGVA) in the Scottish retail sector was £6.7 billion (7.2% of UK total), whilst turnover was £27.5 billion (6.2% of UK total) 
  • aGVA in the Scottish retail sector increased by 6.0% between 2021 and 2022 (from £6.3 billion to £6.7 billion)
  • the sub-sectors making the largest contribution to retail aGVA in 2022 were retail sale in non-specialised stores (47.2%)  (e.g. supermarkets) and retail sale of other goods in specialised stores (27.0%) (e.g. clothing shops, chemists) 
  • the local authority areas contributing most to total aGVA within retail in 2022 were Glasgow City (12.3%) and City of Edinburgh (11.3%) – together these two local authority areas accounted for around 26% of the business sites, 25% of employment, 23% of turnover and 24% of aGVA in the Scottish retail sector
  • retail is an important contributor to the non-financial services sector - within services, the two largest contributions to aGVA in 2022 were wholesale trade [SIC 46] at £6.7 billion (9.7% of services aGVA) and retail trade [SIC 47] also at £6.7 billion (9.7%)

Table A: Outputs & Employment in Scottish Retail sector in 2008-2022

Year No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
2008 24,256 260.3 23,054.1 6,165.9
2009 23,699 247.4 24,218.3 6,519.9
2010 23,595 243.9 24,884.8 5,939.5
2011 23,465 243.5 25,758.3 6,305.9
2012 23,009 234.3 25,702.9 6,680.0
2013 23,104 241.8 26,653.3 7,274.5
2014 22,612 250.3 27,073.0 7,029.2
2015 22,429 244.1 24,916.2 6,515.0
2016 22,434 245.2 23,904.9 5,723.7
2017 22,293 245.2 25,389.5 6,267.7
2018 22,239 231.6 23,976.7 6,269.7
2019 22,559 232.9 23,351.0 6,036.6
2020 22,435 238.7 22,346.6 5,415.8
2021 22,975 257.8 24,281.1 6,281.4
2022 22,448 227.8 27,454.6 6,657.1

Table B: Geographical split: Top 6 Local Authority areas in 2022 in terms of shares of Retail Gross Value Added 

Local Authority No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
GLASGOW CITY 3,480 32.6 3,550.5 816.9
CITY OF EDINBURGH 2,439 24.8 2,825.6 753.5
FIFE 1,402 13.1 1,622.4 452.0
SOUTH LANARKSHIRE 1,138 12.3 1,838.3 348.2
ABERDEEN CITY 934 10.3 1,405.5 334.1
DUNDEE CITY 679 7.7 1,105.6 317.0
SCOTLAND 22,448 227.8 27,454.6 6,657.1

Figure 1: The sub-sectors contributing most to total aGVA within retail in 2022 were retail sale in non-specialised stores (47.2%) & retail sale of other goods in specialised stores (27.0%).

Chart below shows shares of Scotland's Retail sector's Units, Employment, Turnover & approximate Gross Value Added in 2022.

A bar chart showing that retail sale in non-specialised stores (47.2%) contributed most to total aGVA within retail in 2022 and also had the largest Turnover share (54.8%).

Source: Scottish Annual Business Statistics 2022 from the Scottish Government. For Figure 1 data see Table C.

Table C: Scottish Retail sector by sub-sector in 2022

Description No. of Units Total Employment
 (in Thousands)
Total Turnover
 (in £ millions)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
 (in £ millions)
Retail sale in non-specialised stores (SIC 47.1) 5,892 109.1 15,050.7 3,145.1
Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialised stores (SIC 47.2) 2,778 13.7 1,375.9 402.2
Retail sale of other household equipment in specialised stores (SIC 47.5) 2,259 18.6 2,222.0 561.3
Retail sale of cultural and recreation goods in specialised stores (SIC 47.6) 1,427 14.0 934.8 280.8
Retail sale of other goods in specialised stores (SIC 47.7) 7,280 56.0 5,727.2 1,800.3
Other Retail (SIC 47.3, 47.4, 47.8 & 47.9) 2,812 16.4 2,144.1 467.4
Retail totals (SIC 47) 22,448 227.8 27,454.6 6,657.1



For enquiries about this publication please contact:
Marina Curran
Business & Innovation Statistics
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser

For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:
Office of the Chief Statistician

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