Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group minutes: December 2023

Minutes from the Scottish Armed Forces Education Support Group chaired by Scottish Government on 5 December 2023.

Attendees and apologies

  • Scottish Government (SG) Learning Directorate (Chair)
  • Education Scotland (ES)
  • SG Armed forces and Veterans Group (AFVG)
  • ADES National Education Officer (NEO)
  • ADES Advisor
  • Forces Children Scotland (FCS)
  • Royal Navy (RN)
  • MOD Armed Forces Families and Safeguarding (AFFS)
  • RAF
  • AFF Education & Childcare Specialist
  • HQ 51st Infantry Brigade
  • Naval Family Federation (NFF)
  • Army Family Federation (AFF)


  • RAF Family Federation (RFF)
  • Deputy Commander of HQ 51st Infantry Brigade

Items and actions

Additional Support for Learning Action Plan Progress

SG provided an update of the work that has being carried out to deliver the additional support for learning (ASL) Action Plan. A project board meeting was held on 1 December 2023 and the group will continue to meet on a regular basis to help meet with delivery of the Action Plan. A  progress report update will be published in 2024.


  • SG to share an overview of the ASL Action Plan once the Progress Report has been published.

Data Collection

NEO provided an update around data collection work that they are carrying out.  This year an additional question was asked of all local authorities to report on Armed Forces children who have been identified as having an additional support need (ASN).

NEO is continuing discussions with Skills Development Scotland and the Royal Navy regarding data collection.

Systems connecting for transferring data of families moving between DAs was discussed and it was agreed that this conversation would be continued at a future meeting to look at the issues and potential solutions.


  • SG will draft a proposed plan for meetings in 2024 and share with the group for comment. 

Code of Practice

Work has been carried out to review the different Code of Practice’s across the UK.

There is a commitment within the ASL Action Plan to review the current Code of Practice in Scotland to ensure that it fully supports schools and local authorities to fulfil their duties under the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004. A working group has been re-established and are currently looking at next steps.

A question was raised to ask what level of detail could be added to reassure families how needs are being met. SG welcome feedback from group members around specific sections of Code of Practice.


  • SG to consider feedback on Code of Practice and will seek guidance from members of SAFESG around specifics on Armed Forces children and young people.


Update from group members

Forces Children Scotland

  • have been successful in securing funding to extend the Your Mind Matters service in Helensburgh for another two years
  • have secured funding from the Armed Forces Covenant Trust to develop a deployment pack which work has already started for
  • have launched their financial transaction service to support young people and families to understand their own finances better
  • have developed a new learning offer over the last year, which currently contains 7 modules, a further 2 modules will start development in January 2024
  • have delivered training to over 80 teachers in Helensburgh on deployment and separation. Another training session will be hosted in Moray in the new year
  • are taking part in research on the emotional impact of transition to veteran status

Education Scotland

  • ES and NEO held a webinar in November 2023 on professional learning, a wide range of participants took part including student teachers, with the aim to hold additional sessions in the future.

ADES National Education Officer

  • NEO network groups continue to meet and have had a number of guests participating. Requests have been made from other partners who wish to participate with the discussions that are held in the network
  • The advice document that was created in Scotland to support Armed Forces Covenant guidance and the presentation that both ES and NEO developed is being used extensively by lead officers across Scotland to present information to education committees
  • NEO is working closely with the centre for military research, education and public engagement around the data collection and funding for the research project around additional support needs

Army Family Federation

  • AFF are continuing to support families transitioning in and out of Scotland
  • AFF are doing work on providing families with the most up to date guidance on childcare as a whole
  • Month of a military child is taking place in April 2024 and preparation work has started for this
  • AFF also reminded members that never such innocence’s are running a poetry and art competition from the 1 – 3 May 2024

Any other business

FCS are comparing trends in the topic’s children and young people of armed forces families are discussing with them.  They hope to have some analysis of themes to share with the group at the next meeting.  Data has been gathered on outcomes for Armed Forces children and young people in England and shared with group for interest. The impact the length of deployment is having on children and young people was discussed.



  • SG will meet with FCS prior to the next meeting, FCS to provide an update at the next meeting on themes
  • Safeguarding will be added to the agenda as a standing item

Date of Next Meeting

The date for the next meetings is 25 March 2024.

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