
Scottish Attainment Challenge: framework for recovery and accelerating progress

A Framework to support schools, local authorities and others across the education system to support educational recovery and increase progress in improving outcomes for children and young people impacted by poverty.



  • The mission of the Scottish Attainment Challenge: to use education to improve outcomes for children and young people impacted by poverty, with a focus on tackling the poverty-related attainment gap.
  • Support education recovery, increase pace of, and reduce variation in progress.



  • Within existing mechanisms, include plans for Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) in School Improvement Plans, including clear aims for progress in tackling the poverty-related attainment gap.
  • Collaborate with children and young people, families, local authorities and other partners meaningfully when planning and throughout the process.

Local authorities:

  • In order to avoid duplication of effort, local authorities should include plans and stretch aims for the Scottish Attainment Challenge (details on stretch aims below) within the existing local authority education service improvement planning process.
  • Stretch aims should be informed by, and inform, school plans for progress.
  • Planning should read across and into other services' plans and identify opportunities to collaborate with other services and partners.
  • Stretch aims to be agreed annually, as a result of robust evidence-informed self-evaluation, supported and challenged through professional dialogue with Education Scotland.
  • One-page financial plan for Strategic Equity Funding (SEF) to be submitted to Scottish Government by September each year.

Monitoring and Reporting


  • Report on the impact of PEF through school Standards and Quality Reports and use these to report to their Parent Council and Forum and through other channels.
  • Implement robust monitoring of children's and young people's progress with appropriate support and challenge from the local authority, peers and Education Scotland and engagement with parents and carers to ensure continual ambitious progress in improving health and wellbeing and tackling the poverty-related attainment gap.

Local authorities:

  • Through existing reporting mechanisms and channels, report on progress against the agreed stretch aims through Standards and Quality Reports (or local equivalents).
  • Ensure robust monitoring of progress, with support and challenge from Education Scotland and collaboration with peers, to ensure continual ambitious progress in improving health and wellbeing and tackling the poverty-related attainment gap.


  • Scottish Government and Education Scotland will discuss local progress in improving health and wellbeing and tackling the poverty-related attainment gap, informed by local and national data, evidence, intelligence and attainment advisor reporting.
  • Education Scotland will use data and evidence to tailor support and challenge.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Reflect existing statutory duties and those in the 2018 Joint Agreement.
  • Expectation of collaboration, transparency, support and challenge in a mature system focused on the mission of the Scottish Attainment Challenge.



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