
Scottish Attainment Challenge - Local stretch Aims: 2023/24 to 2025/26

A summary of local authority stretch aims for raising attainment and closing the poverty related attainment gap 2023/24 - 2025/26.

The 2023 Scottish Attainment Challenge Framework for Recovery and Accelerating Progress

Having introduced the requirement for local stretch aims for 2022/23, the process was updated for subsequent years and set out in the 2023 Framework for Recovery and Accelerating Progress, taking account of feedback on some key issues from across the system – in particular our local authority partners.

These include:

  • Three year aims: rather than setting annual stretch aims, they have been set for the three-year period of 2023/24 to 2025/26, aligning with both local approaches to planning for multiple years and the multi-year funding commitments to Strategic Equity Funding and Pupil Equity Funding through the Scottish Attainment Challenge.
  • Recognition of a broader range of achievement in the senior phase, with all SCQF awards at A – D (captured on the Insight tool) now recognised in the aims, rather than just national qualifications. This recognises the range of different pathways children and young people take and aligns with our focus not just on attainment but on outcomes.

As in 2022/23 these stretch aims have been set under the “core plus” model, with mandatory aims across a set of core measures, with local authorities able to use local measures for a core health and wellbeing aim; and “plus” aims to be set by local authorities to reflect local priorities.



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