Biodiversity: delivery plan 2024 to 2030

The first in a series of rolling delivery plans which form part of our strategic framework for biodiversity, in conjunction with the Scottish biodiversity strategy. It includes actions needed to ensure we are on track to achieving the vision and outcomes in the strategy.

Annex 1

Landscape and Seascape Codes:

  • Woodlands
  • Uplands & Peatlands
  • Soils
  • Agriculture
  • Freshwater
  • Coastal
  • Marine
  • Urban
  • Overarching

Colour coding for Type column:

Primarily land-based and freshwater actions – Green;

Primarily marine-based actions – Blue;

Overarching – Gold

ID Action Lead Support Delivery Date Landscape and Seascape Codes Type
Actions needed to achieve Objective 1: accelerate ecosystem restoration and regeneration
1 Introduce statutory nature restoration targets in Natural Environment Bill (scheduled to be introduced in this parliamentary session) Scottish Government NatureScot by 2026
2 Introduce a Programme of Ecosystem Restoration
2.1 Collate, review and prioritise all the landscape scale nature restoration projects across Scotland. Using this spatial evidence, NatureScot will identify and help facilitate partnership projects for six exemplar large scale landscape restoration areas with significant woodland components by 2025. By the end of 2026 those projects will have engaged with communities; developed deliverable action plans; identified funding (and where appropriate private finance) to deliver the outcomes required by 2030 and beyond. NatureScot Scottish Government, Forestry and Land Scotland 2026 Woodlands Green
2.2 Develop the new Register of Ancient Woodlands, to include locational data, a definition of the required ‘protected and restored’ condition of ancient woodlands, and a process for recording ancient woodlands that reach the required standard. NatureScot Scottish Forestry, Forestry & Land Scotland; FR; mid-2027 Woodlands Green
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2.3 Ensure support mechanisms are in place for landowners to restore priority ancient woodlands by 2030, where the initial priority list is those protected/ designated woodlands that are currently in unfavourable condition. Scottish Forestry NatureScot 2030 Woodlands Green
2.4 Implement Scotland’s strategic approach for Scotland’s rainforest which aims to improve its condition and health so that it can regenerate and expand whilst providing benefits to communities. Scottish Forestry NatureScot, Scottish Government, Forestry & Land Scotland 2030 Woodlands Green
2.5 Develop upland-specific, best practice guidance on measures for upland restoration to regenerate peatlands, increase nature woodland cover, manage grazing, protect certain target species and priority habitats and increase habitat heterogeneity. NatureScot Scottish Government, Scottish Forestry 2025 Uplands & Peatlands Green
2.6 Develop a national peatland monitoring framework that incorporates on-site and remotely sensed assessments of biodiversity indicators, climate resilience and associated functions within the wider landscape, hydrological and ecological network contexts. NatureScot end March 2027 Uplands & Peatlands Green
2.7 Transition 4 of the pilot RLUPs (Cairngorms National Park, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park, and South of Scotland (Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders Councils, NorthWest 2045 Region (Highlands Council)) to formal initiatives as we seek to continue to develop our understanding of how partnership work can help to optimise land use in a fair and inclusive way meeting local and national objectives and supporting Scotland’s just transition to net zero. Scottish Government TBC Overarching Green
2.8 Following consultation in 2023, continue ongoing work towards implementing a ban on the sale of horticultural peat in Scotland. Scottish Government Uplands & Peatlands Green
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2.9 Publish a plan for marine and coastal ecosystem restoration, including identifying actions to help prioritise habitats and locations suitable for restoration. Scottish Government NatureScot 2025 Marine/Coastal Blue
2.10 Deliver additional protection for spawning and juvenile congregation areas where needed, and for species with are integral components of the marine food web. Scottish Government NatureScot, Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2028 Marine Blue
2.11 Develop new approaches to marine biodiversity monitoring, covering both state and pressure assessment and aligned with the UK Marine Strategy. Scottish Government NatureScot, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, SEPA 2028 Marine Blue
2.12 Develop a Blue Carbon Action Plan to identify where the Scottish Government can most effectively address evidence gaps and progress actions to support the protection, restoration, and enhancement of blue carbon habitats. Scottish Government Scottish Blue Carbon Forum 2025 Marine Blue
2.13 The RBMPs aims and objectives for the 2021-27 period, and the associated programme of measures aim to ensure that 81% of all Scotland’s waterbodies (rivers, lochs, groundwater, transitional (estuary/ firth) and coastal waters) achieve a ‘good’ or better classification by 2027 and continue to improve as natural conditions recover beyond that date. SEPA 2027 Freshwater Green
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3 Implement a Scottish plan for INNS surveillance, prevention and control.
3.1 Develop and implement an INNS Action Plan, which will ensure pathways for the introduction and spread of INNS are managed to prevent or reduce their rate of introduction and establishment, and prevent further damage to ecosystems. The plan will include: i. reducing the rate of establishment of known or potential INNS by at least 50% by 2030 compared to 2000 level; and, ii. detection of priority INNS through increased inspections and vigilance of citizen scientists, and eradicated or contained before they become established and spread. NatureScot Scottish Forestry, Forestry & Land Scotland. SEPA 2025 Overarching Gold
3.2 Develop and implement a pipeline of strategic INNS projects to coordinate the control of priority INNS at scale with the aim of eliminating or reducing the impacts of INNS in at least 30% of priority sites. NatureScot Scottish Forestry, Forestry and Land Scotland, SEPA 2030 Overarching Green
3.3 Raise public awareness of the impacts of INNS and embed INNS biosecurity practice across industries and recreational activities linked to the most important pathways of introduction and spread, measuring changes in awareness through the NatureScot Opinion Survey. NatureScot Scottish Forestry, Forestry and Land Scotland, SEPA 2030 Overarching Green
3.4 Complete feasibility studies for eradication and/or management of island INNS, and where appropriate, develop and implement a rolling programme of island INNS management, focussed on the targeted removal of predators impacting on nesting seabirds. NatureScot Scottish Government, partner organisations 2026 Coastal Green
3.5 Develop best practice guidelines and a voluntary code of conduct for INNS biosecurity suitable for supporting marine habitat restoration. NatureScot 2027 Marine Blue
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4 Improve Resilience in Coastal and Marine Systems by reducing pressures and increase and safeguard space for coastal habitat change.
4.1 Identify and address gaps in current evidence on coastal habitats, through research and monitoring as an enabling action for all coastal biodiversity actions (2024-2028) and fund research commencing in 2024 into better quantifying the adaptation benefits of coastal landforms and habitats to maximise biodiversity benefits. NatureScot Scottish Government 2025 Coastal Green
4.2 Complete an initial prioritisation exercise identifying accommodation space to be protected for coastal habitat change to promote recovery and adaptation, and identify potential future mechanism(s) to deliver recovery and adaptation, including agricultural subsidies. NatureScot 2026 Coastal Green
4.3 Reduce marine litter and marine plastics by implementing the Marine Litter Strategy for Scotland (published 2022) through a six-year action plan that includes:
  • supporting the improvement of waste management for end of life fishing gear.
Enable improved plastic pellet handling and management across the plastics supply chain to reduce pellet loss, and provide guidance to support pellet clean up in the environment.
Scottish Government 2028 Coastal/Marine Blue
4.4 Contribute to the development of an OSPAR Regional Action Plan of measures to reduce noise pollution in the OSPAR maritime region. Scottish Government Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2025 Marine Blue
4.5 Develop policy to address contaminants that exceed OSPAR threshold values. Scottish Government 2028 Marine Blue
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5 Substantially reduce deer densities across our landscapes in parallel with ensuring sustainable management of grazing by sheep to improve overall ecosystem health.
5.1 Introduce new deer legislation which will modernise the Deer (Scotland) Act 1996 and introduce new powers for intervention for the purposes of enhancing or restoring nature, including preventing biodiversity loss. Scottish Government 2025 Overarching Green
5.2 Attain deer cull at level at which habitats and ecosystems can recover and regenerate, and where deer densities are maintained at sustainable levels. This is done by increasing the national cull by 25-30% (from 200,000 – 250,000) sustained over several years; achieving densities of 5-8 deer per km² in each of the DMG’s in the Cairngorms National Park; and, low deer densities of around 2 deer per km² where woodland regeneration is a priority and required to achieve UK Forest Standard. NatureScot Scottish Government 2030 Overarching Green
5.3 Explore how best to support optimal herbivore densities to enhance biodiversity outcomes in the uplands. Scottish Government NatureScot ongoing Uplands & Peatlands Green
5.4 Review the use of mechanisms to support effective and safe deer management in new and existing woodlands and neighbouring open habitats. NatureScot Scottish Forestry, Forestry and Land Scotland 2027 Woodlands Green
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6 Enhance water and air quality. Undertake water management measures to enhance biodiversity.  
6.1 Ensure contaminants of emerging concern that may impact on biodiversity are identified through existing mechanisms with an additional system in place that uses Scottish data to identify new problems. SEPA Scottish Government, Scottish Water 2030 Overarching Green
6.2 Represent Scottish interests in UK chemicals regulation to ensure impacts on wildlife from chemical risks are reduced (eg work towards extending current restrictions on lead in ammunition), and contribute to UK chemicals regulatory reform. Scottish Government, SEPA, NatureScot TBC 2030 Overarching Gold
6.3 Support projects and programmes that complement regulation to address emerging or novel contaminants in the water environment, e.g. The One Health Breakthrough Partnership on pharmaceuticals and the water industry’s Chemical Investigation Programme. Scottish Water SEPA 2030 Overarching Green
6.4 Take an adaptive approach to abstraction and flows management to protect freshwater biodiversity from the impacts of water scarcity in response to future climate change pressures, using the Controlled Activity Regulations and review of abstraction. SEPA ongoing Freshwater Green
6.5 Continue to invest in improvements to the wastewater service to improve freshwater biodiversity by upgrading 40 wastewater treatment works and 24 intermittent sewage discharges, as required. Scottish Water SEPA 2027 Freshwater Green
6.6 Develop a mechanism to promote positive management of rural and urban sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) for biodiversity benefits. Local Authorities Scottish Water Freshwater Gold
6.7 Maintain the long-term monitoring of the freshwater environment in addition to being enhanced and supplemented by new developing technologies such as eDNA when available. SEPA NatureScot ongoing Freshwater Green
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7 Ensure Grouse Moor management sustains healthy biodiversity.
7.1 Develop and maintain effective compliance monitoring for grouse shooting licence conditions to ensure the legislation introduced in July 2024 acts as an effective deterrent to wildlife crime, particularly raptor persecution. Scottish Government NatureScot 2025 Uplands & Peatlands Green
7.2 Implement remaining legislative provisions from the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Act 2024 relating to the use of snares, use, possession and sale of glue traips, Scottish SPCA Inspector powers and wildlife traps. Scottish Government NatureScot by 2025 Uplands & Peatlands Green
7.3 Implement legislation relating to muirburn and revise Muirburn Code to regulate the use of all muirburn and only allow burning on peatland by exception for limited purposes. Scottish Government NatureScot 2025 Uplands & Peatlands Green
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Actions needed to achieve Objective 2: protect nature on land and at sea, across and beyond Protected Areas
8 Ensure that at least 30% of land, freshwater and sea is protected or conserved and effectively managed to support nature in good health by 2030 (30 by 30).
8.1 Ensure that at least 30% of land and sea is protected or conserved, as protected areas or Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (OECMs), and effectively managed to support nature restoration. NatureScot Scottish Government 2030 Overarching Green
8.2 Based on results from the current pilot, develop and implement a national Protected Areas monitoring programme to ensure that Protected Area sites deliver their objectives. NatureScot Scottish Government 2027 Overarching Green
8.3 Put in place fisheries management measures for those sites in the MPA network that require them to support the recovery and resilience of Scotland’s Seas. Scottish Government NatureScot, Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2025 Marine Blue
8.4 Develop and implement an adaptive management framework for the MPA network. Scottish Government NatureScot, Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2028 Marine Blue
8.5 Assess the MPA network in respect of the resilience of marine biodiversity to climate change, based on the information and methodology from the regional assessment conducted by the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR). Scottish Government NatureScot, Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2026 Marine Blue
8.6 Establish a programme to enable protected woodlands to be brought into favourable condition with clear targets and a clear framework for decision making. NatureScot Scottish Forestry, Forest and Land Scotland 2028 Woodlands Green
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9 Strengthen the role of National Parks and ensure they act as exemplars of biodiversity protection and recovery.  
9.1 Designate at least one new National Park within the current parliamentary term subject to the outcome of the reporter investigation and public consultation. Scottish Government NatureScot 2026 Overarching Green
9.2 Strengthen the leadership role of National Parks in tackling the climate and biodiversity crises by 2026. Scottish Government NatureScot 2026 Overarching Green
9.3 Ensure National Parks (NP), National Nature Reserves (NNR) and protected areas are exemplars in better delivery of biodiversity and provisioning outcomes. NatureScot Scottish Government NP Authorities and Boards, NNR partnerships bodies 2030 Overarching Green
10 Fulfil the potential of National Nature Reserves (NNRs) for nature recovery.
10.1 Actively use the NNR suite to develop, deliver and demonstrate best practice in wildlife management, putting in place five demonstration examples. NatureScot NNR partnership bodies March 2026 Overarching Green
10.2 Identify and realise opportunities for expansion of existing NNRs or the designation of new ones, identifying a range of sites by 2026 and designating those considered suitable by 2028. NatureScot NNR partnership bodies 2028 Overarching Green
10.3 Adapt the planning and management of NNRs in response to the impacts of climate change on nature, putting in place refreshed management plans for NNRs. NatureScot NNR partnership bodies 2028 Overarching Green
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11 Identify, expand and enhance Nature Networks and ecological connectivity.
11.1 Ensure spatially defined Nature Networks are being implemented in every Local Authority area to provide connectivity between important places for biodiversity, deliver local priorities and contribute to strategic priorities at local, regional and national scales. NatureScot; Local Authorities Scottish Forestry, Forestry and Land Scotland, Scottish Government 2030 Overarching Green
11.2 Undertake mapping of opportunities for creating Local Authority wide Nature Networks that connect locally important areas for biodiversity, provide linkages with 30 by 30 sites, and address local and regional priorities for climate and nature. Local Authorities; NatureScot, Scottish Government 2030 Overarching Green
11.3 Promote Nature Network implementation via local and regional decision-making processes, following the Nature Networks Framework. Scottish Government NatureScot 2030 Overarching Green
11.4 Promote the Nature Networks toolbox containing resources such as guidance, case studies, and mapping tools, which will support local authorities and land managers in delivering for, and contributing to, Nature Networks. NatureScot Scottish Government 2025 Overarching Green
11.5 Develop an open-source platform for blue and green infrastructure and other nature assets in urban areas to support approaches to valuing and financing blue and green infrastructure. NatureScot Scottish Government, Local Authorities 2026 Urban Green
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12 Champion new planning and development measures for protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
12.1 Develop and publish a biodiversity metric for Scotland’s planning system, to support delivery of NPF4 Policy 3b. NatureScot Scottish Government ongoing Overarching Green
12.2 Raise awareness and promote the Developing with Nature guidance to support delivery of NPF4 policy 3c and develop user-friendly version of the guidance. NatureScot Scottish Government ongoing Overarching Green
12.3 Support wider ongoing work on building skills and capacity on biodiversity and nature across the planning system, including through information sharing events. Scottish Government NatureScot, Improvement Service ongoing Overarching Green
12.4 Provide guidance on sustainable use and management of soil in planning processes. NatureScot SEPA 2030 Soils Green
12.5 Ensure that development provides positive effects for biodiversity, by developing clear guidance on the implementation and delivery of NPF4 policies which support the cross-cutting outcome ‘improving biodiversity’. Scottish Government NatureScot, Local Authorities, Improvement Service, CIEEM, RTPI, SEPA 2025 Overarching Green
12.6 Develop and adopt a National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2) that supports action on the twin crises, setting out planning policies on climate mitigation and adaptation, nature protection and enhancement, and sustainable use to guide decisions and activities in line with our ambitions for Scotland’s Seas. Scottish Government 2027 Marine Blue
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13 Enhance biodiversity in Scotland’s urban green and blue spaces.
13.1 Ensure that by 2030 every park, reserve or publicly owned green space has a management and maintenance plan that reflects the Open Space Strategy and Local Biodiversity Action Plan outcomes. Scope to be agreed with COSLA NatureScot 2030 Urban Green
13.2 Ensure every new transport and active travel infrastructure project incorporates elements of blue-green infrastructure, and seek opportunities for enhancing/ expanding blue-green infrastructure. Local Authorities COSLA, Transport Scotland, Scottish Water 2030 Urban Green
13.3 Work with social housing providers and the public and private sector to demonstrate how to manage residential, commercial and institutional greenspace in ways that have a positive effect for biodiversity. NatureScot 2030 Urban Green
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Actions needed to achieve Objective 3: Embed nature positive Farming, Fishing and Forestry
14 Ensure increased uptake of high diversity, nature-rich, high-soil carbon, low-intensity farming methods while sustaining high-quality food production.
14.1 Increase the uptake of integrated pest management across Scottish agriculture to minimise risks and impacts of pesticides to the environment in line with the UK National Action Plan on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides. Scottish Government SASA, RESAS, SEPA, FAS, Plant Health Centre 2030 Overarching Green
14.2 Develop a routemap (end of 2025) for soil security in Scotland including a review and update of Scotland’s Soil Framework and action/implementation plan (2030). Scottish Government NatureScot, SEPA 2030 Soils Green
14.3 Develop evidence-based Soil Health Indicators that can be considered for inclusion in Whole Farm Plans and Forest Management Plans. Scottish Government Scottish Forestry, NatureScot, SEPA, RESAS TBC Soils Green
14.4 Undertake an evidence-based update of currently available information and advice on biodiversity management to farmers/land managers, to ensure it is up-to-date, clear and easily accessible. Scottish Government, NatureScot Farm Advisory Service Scotland 2030 Woodlands Green
14.5 Improve information for land managers on how to assess and interpret soil erosion risks and implement measures to avoid erosion (and other impacts on soil health related to climate change), including: i) the impacts of extreme rainfall drought events on soils; and ii) maps of soils that have been subject to anthropogenic degradation and are candidates for soil improvement programmes. Scottish Government, NatureScot, SEPA 2027/28 Soils Green
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14.6 Develop and promote clear guidance for practitioners on soil compaction and farm and forestry machinery contractors are engaged in ensuring appropriate use of equipment, uptake of decision- making tools and training, to minimise and ultimately avoid compaction damage to soils. Scottish Government, NatureScot RESAS, Scottish Forestry, SEPA 2027 Soils Green
14.7 Set up monitoring frameworks to assess change in soil health, based on evidence from the Natural Resources theme of the Strategic Research Programme (2022-2027). Scottish Government, NatureScot, SEPA 2027 Soils Green
14.8 Reduce inputs of nutrients to freshwaters that cause enrichment impacts on biodiversity, by controlling both diffuse and point source pollution through effective nutrient management through agricultural reform and SEPA’s Priority Catchment programme, ensuring compliance with the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 (CAR ) under River Basin Management Planning. Scottish Government, SEPA ongoing Freshwater Green
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15 Introduce an agricultural support framework which delivers for nature restoration and biodiversity alongside climate and food production outcomes.
15.1 In 2025, as part of eligibility requirement for Basic Payment Scheme, businesses must undertake two from the following five baselines: biodiversity audit, carbon audit, soil analysis, animal health and welfare plan and integrated pest management plan as part of a revised rural payments process that encourages Nature Positive activities. Scottish Government 2025 Woodlands Green
15.2 Implement actions specifically benefitting farmland species as part of ongoing support and the new agricultural payments framework backed by advisory support including new greening requirements which will be introduced in 2026 and form part of the enhanced tier of the future framework. Scottish Government, NatureScot 2030 Woodlands Green
15.3 In 2025 there will be new peatland and wetland standards under Cross Compliance which will prohibit a range of activities from being carried out on peatland and wetland areas. We will continue to develop rural support mechanisms to incorporate further requirements to protect and enhance soil health, promote control of soil erosion/compaction and maintain / enhance soil organic matter through appropriate balance of input/outputs and nutrient levels. Scottish Government, NatureScot SEPA Soils Green
15.4 Ensure that farmers and crofters can access tools, information and advice necessary to produce an integrated biodiversity audit as part of the Whole Farm Plan as a requirement of basic payments tier 1 support. Scottish Government; NatureScot 2025 Woodlands Green
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16 Implement fisheries measures in vulnerable marine ecosystems and to protect Priority Marine Features outside MPAs.
16.1 Deliver fisheries management measures for Priority Marine Features identified as most at risk from bottom- contacting mobile fishing gear outwith MPAs. Scottish Government NatureScot 2025 Marine Blue
16.2 Introduce fisheries closures to protect Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in offshore waters between 400-800m depth. Scottish Government Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2027 Marine Blue
17 Implement the policies in Scotland’s Fisheries Management Strategy to deliver sustainable fisheries, using best available scientific advice, and minimising adverse impacts on non- target species and habitats.
17.1 Consult on proposals to transition our inshore fisheries to a more agile and responsive management system informed by the best available evidence. Scottish Government 2025 Marine Blue
17.2 Develop 21 Fisheries Management Plans as set out in the Joint Fisheries Statement to increase or maintain the sustainability of fish stocks. Scottish Government In accordance with the timelines in the Joint Fisheries Statement Marine Blue
17.3 Develop and implement a suite of technical and spatial measures to reduce levels of discarding of ‘unwanted’ fish catch alongside measures to reduce bycatch of sensitive marine species. Scottish Government 2027 Marine Blue
17.4 Identify high risk areas, gear types and/or fisheries for bycatch and entanglement of sensitive marine species, in which to focus monitoring and mitigation. Scottish Government 2026 Marine Blue
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17.5 Work with stakeholders to focus on identifying practical, achievable actions to reduce pressure on seafloor habitats most at risk or most extensively impacted informed as appropriate by the development of an OSPAR Regional Action Plan on benthic shelf habitats. Scottish Government 2027 Marine Blue
17.6 Support the implementation of Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) in key parts of the fishing fleet, and consider further rollout as required. Scottish Government 2028 Marine Blue
17.7 Publish the response to the inshore fishing vessel tracking and monitoring consultation and implement the outcomes. Scottish Government 2026 Marine Blue
18 Implement Scotland’s vision for sustainable aquaculture to minimise negative impacts on biodiversity.
18.1 Implement the sea lice risk assessment framework to manage the interaction between sea lice from fish farms and wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout. SEPA NatureScot 2025 Marine Blue
18.2 Deliver a revised Technical Standard for Scottish Finfish Aquaculture to strengthen controls to reduce farmed fish escapes. Scottish Government from 2025 Marine Blue
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Actions needed to achieve Objective 4: embed nature positive farming, fishing and forestry
19 Ensure that forests and woodlands deliver increased biodiversity and habitat connectivity alongside timber and carbon outcomes.
19.1 Meet annual woodland creation target as set in the Scottish Government Climate Change Plans currently 18,000 hectares of new woodland annually (including 4000ha of native woodland). Scottish Forestry NatureScot, Forestry and Land Scotland From 2024 Green
19.2 Update woodland management guidance and plans including those for restocking from 2025 onwards to reflect greater emphasis on actions that will improve biodiversity. Scottish Forestry NatureScot, Forest and Land Scotland 2025 Woodlands Green
19,3 Deliver key research and data analysis project (building on WEC) on improving understanding of biodiversity associated with our woodland types, to guide management requirements and maintain biodiversity in the face of climate change impacts. Scottish Forestry NatureScot, Forest and Land Scotland Woodlands Green
19.4 Increase biodiversity across all woodlands by increasing the characteristics that improve woodland condition as identified by the Woodland Ecological Condition (WEC) National Statistic, initially by developing a tool based on WEC to allow site ecological condition assessment to be made by 2030. Scottish Forestry Forestry and Land Scotland, NatureScot Woodlands Green
19.5 Identify where woodland can have the most benefit for water resource management using an evidence-based approach and implement through a range of mechanisms including forestry grants and private restoration initiatives. Scottish Government Scottish Forestry 2027 Freshwater Green
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20 Revise Scotland’s list of priority species and habitats for biodiversity conservation.
20.1 Revise the Scottish Biodiversity List of species and habitats that are considered of principal importance for biodiversity conservation in Scotland. NatureScot Scottish Government 2025 Overarching Green
20.2 To help ensure that species licensing processes are transparent and targeted, a programme of work will be developed, to implement the key recommendations and findings from a review of NatureScot’s licensing approach to species conservation and management. NatureScot Scottish Government 2025 Overarching Green
20.3 Adopt a revised Priority Marine Feature list. Scottish Government NatureScot, Joint Nature Conservation Committee 2027 Marine Blue
21 Develop effective species reintroduction and reinforcement programmes.
21.1 Develop effective species recovery, reintroduction and reinforcement programmes drawing on partnership work on Species at Risk prioritisation, Species on the Edge programme, and evaluation of drivers. NatureScot 2027 Overarching Green
21.2 Develop and implement national plans for conserving species groups for which Scotland holds internationally important populations including lichens and bryophytes (end of 2025), freshwater pearl mussels (end of 2028), herptiles (end of 2025) and national curlew plan (end of 2027). NatureScot 2028 Overarching Green
21.3 Undertake measures to reduce human pressures to give habitats and species (especially specialists; arctic/alpine) more chance of surviving and improve the status of red listed species in Scotland. NatureScot 2025 Overarching Green
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21.4 Assess genetic diversity risks across Scotland and ensure mitigation of genetic diversity risks via Gene Conservation Units and other means. Genetic Scorecards for 50 marine and terrestrial species compiled and published by end 2025. Twenty-five Gene Conservation Units registered by mid-2025, with 50 registered by end-2028. NatureScot 2030 Overarching Green
21.5 Raise public awareness of science and practice around conservation translocations through public engagement. NatureScot 2030 Overarching Green
21.6 Review delivery objectives of Better Biodiversity Data Project, including a new National Hub for Biodiversity Data in Scotland providing services across national and local scale. NatureScot 2026 Overarching Green
21.7 Publish the Scottish Plant Biodiversity Strategy in support of the United Nations Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. NatureScot 2025 Overarching Green
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22 Manage existing and emerging pressures to improve the conservation status of seabirds, marine mammals and elasmobranchs.
22.1 Publish a Scottish Seabird Conservation Strategy which will identify actions to support species recovery and increase the resilience of seabird populations. Scottish Government Joint Nature Conservation Committee, NatureScot 2025 Marine Blue
22.2 Increase promotion of the Scottish Marine Wildlife Watching Code. NatureScot 2026 Marine Blue
22.3 Publish the UK Dolphin, Porpoise and Whale Conservation Strategy and begin delivery of actions relevant to Scotland to conserve and manage pressures acting on these species. Scottish Government Joint Nature Conservation Committee, NatureScot 2025 Marine Blue
22.4 Review the approach to, and locations of, designated seal haul-out sites in relation to the protection of seals. Scottish Government NatureScot 2026 Marine Blue
22.5 Develop management actions to improve the status of elasmobranchs in Scotland’s waters and continue to build the evidence base for elasmobranchs including: distribution, essential fish habitat, population abundance and social interactions. NatureScot Scottish Government 2030 Marine Blue
23 Implement measures to protect and recover Scotland’s wild Atlantic salmon and migratory fish populations.
23.1 Deliver the actions set out in the Scottish wild salmon strategy implementation plan 2023-2028 to improve habitat and reduce pressures on salmon and other fish species. Scottish Government 2028 Marine/Freshwater Blue
23.2 Undertake research on post-smolt and adult Atlantic salmon migration routes around Scottish coastal areas, and the use of estuarine and coastal habitats by other diadromous fish species. Scottish Government Diadromous Fish ScotMER Receptor Group 2030 Marine Blue
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Actions needed to achieve Objective 5: invest in nature
24 Drive increased investment in Biodiversity and Nature Restoration.
24.1 Maintain and seek to increase investment in nature restoration through our £65 million Nature Restoration Fund. Scottish Government NatureScot 2026 Overarching Green
24.2 Develop the targeting of peatland restoration for cost-effective delivery (i.e. identifying priority restoration projects) including for greater private investment in peatland restoration. NatureScot 2025 Uplands & Peatlands Green
24.3 Scale delivery of the Peatland Action programme, restoring the condition of peatlands as a key ecosystem in line with Net Zero targets as well as supporting the expansion and upskilling of the peatland restoration workforce. NatureScot, Scottish Government 2026 Uplands & Peatlands Green
24.4 Prioritise and identify projects that contribute to River Basin Management Plans, and which could benefit from funding other than the Water Environment Fund, e.g. the Nature Restoration Fund, in order to restore rivers, particularly in rural environments. SEPA NatureScot Freshwater Green
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25 Establish a values-led, high-integrity market for responsible private investment in natural capital.
25.1 Promote the natural capital market framework to foster responsible, values-led private investment in nature while delivering benefits to local communities. It will do this by providing guidance to investors, land managers, and other stakeholders, offering tools and resources to develop sustainable projects. Scottish Government 2024 Gold
25.2 Publish a Biodiversity Investment Plan for Scotland by the end of 2024 that contains actions to: support a range of finance mechanisms; promote value for money; and develop biodiversity markets in Scotland. Scottish Goverment 2024 Gold
25.3 Public funding streams that contribute to nature restoration will be designed in a way that they can be matched or blended with private finance or investment.
  • New ways of using available Peatland Action funding to leverage other sources of finance for peatland restoration will be tested from 2025/26.
  • New approaches to further increase the level of private investment in woodland creation are being trialled from 2024/25.
  • Options for blending agricultural support with other sources of finance will be explored as the new framework is developed from 2025.
Scottish Government, NatureScot 2025/26 Overarching Gold
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25.4 Build on the experience of CivTech Challenge 8.6 with Credit Nature to explore development of new voluntary codes for nature restoration. Scottish Government 2026 Gold
25.5 Share and communicate learning from the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS) programme through the Community of Practice throughout 2024/25. Scottish Government, NatureScot 2024/25 Overarching Gold
25.6 Complete the Facility for Investment Ready Nature In Scotland (FIRNS) projects that develop tools to support smaller-scale projects to participate in carbon markets by end March 2025. Scottish Government, NatureScot, Scottish Forestry 2025 Overarching Gold
26 Increase investment into activities that help restore Scotland’s coasts and seas, including through the Scottish Scotland’s Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF). Scottish Government, NatureScot, Crown Estate Scotland 2028 Marine Blue
27 Provide direction on, and investment in, green skills and local economic opportunities supporting nature-based education, nature restoration skills and volunteering. Scottish Government ongoing
27.1 Establish supported nationwide information and advice for land managers on biodiversity management including best practice and innovation through the complementary tier of the new agricultural payment framework. Farm Advisory Service (Scotland), Scottish Government, NatureScot ongoing Woodlands Green
27.2 Explore how best practice advice can be introduced to FAS service provision. Farm Advisory Service (Scotland), Scottish Government NatureScot 2026 Woodlands Green
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Actions needed to achieve Objective 6: take action on the indirect drivers of biodiversity loss
28 Engage and strengthen the connection between people and communities with nature.
28.1 Develop a communication and engagement programme to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of biodiversity and its links to climate change and the changes needed to ensure a just transition to a net zero and nature-positive Scotland. NatureScot Scottish Government, public agencies 2025 Overarching Gold
28.2 Increase public connection and action for nature through expanding the reach of the Make Space for Nature campaign and develop a national nature volunteer and citizen science frameworks. NatureScot 2025 Overarching Gold
28.3 Encourage people’s connection to nature through local green spaces and other land managed for nature, supporting capacity-building projects. NatureScot 2025 Overarching Gold
28.4 Work with stakeholders to complete a review of opportunities for increasing community participation in safeguarding marine biodiversity. NatureScot 2027 Marine Blue
28.5 Promote and interpret new evidence and understanding relating to climate change and its relevance to Scotland’s biodiversity both on land and at sea, to ensure good understanding by the general public. NatureScot and Scottish Government ongoing Overarching Gold
28.6 Refresh Scotland’s Geodiversity Charter, raising awareness of the role of geodiversity in the delivery of valuable geosystem services that serve the needs of biodiversity conservation and restoration. NatureScot 2025 Soils Green
ID Action Lead Support Delivery Date Landscape and Seascape Codes Type
29 Embed biodiversity and nature in curriculum development.
29.1 Progress delivery of the outdoor learning elements of the Learning for Sustainability Action Plan, including nature connectedness and learning, to meet Target 2030 so that every 3-16 place of education becomes a Sustainable Learning Setting. Scottish Government, Education Scotland, NatureScot 2030 Overarching Gold
29.2 Explore opportunities to further develop Curriculum for Excellence nature-based resources, and prepare new material on nature and nature-based solutions to be included in the new Learning for Sustainability portal. Education Scotland and NatureScot 2027 Overarching Gold
30 Mainstream and integrate biodiversity policy across government.
30.1 Increase the effectiveness of mainstreaming biodiversity on land and at sea through strategies and programmes that include but are not limited to:
  • National Planning Framework
  • Agricultural Reform Programme
  • Scotland’s National Adaptation Plan
  • Land Reform Programme
  • Scotland’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation
  • Climate Change Plan
  • National Marine Plan 2
Scottish Government 2030 Overarching Gold
30.2 Develop our understanding within government and more widely of the application of just transition principles in moving towards a nature-positive future alongside net zero commitments. Scottish Government ongoing Overarching Gold
30.3 Publish the next Land Use Strategy which in response to CCC’s recommendation provides an overarching ‘wrapper strategy’ that clearly outlines the relationships and interactions between the multiple action plans and strategies relating to the broader environment. Scottish Government 2026 Overarching Gold
ID Action Lead Support Delivery Date Landscape and Seascape Codes Type
31 Address unsustainable supply and demand to reduce biodiversity impacts.
31.1 Progress a range of actions to deliver a more circular economy in Scotland, through the Circular Economy & Waste Route Map and National Litter and Flytipping Strategy and implementation of the Circular Economy (Scotland) Act 2024, in order to promote sustainable consumption and production of materials and products, and responsible disposal of Scotland’s waste. Scottish Government 2030 Overarching Gold
31.2 Support global and regional efforts to enable business to more effectively monitor and report on their national and global impacts on biodiversity. Scottish Government ongoing Overarching Gold
31.3 Review the Biodiversity Duty Reporting system with a view to aligning with climate change reporting including consideration of voluntary engagement by business sector. Scottish Government 2024 Overarching Gold



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