Biodiversity: delivery plan 2024 to 2030
The first in a series of rolling delivery plans which form part of our strategic framework for biodiversity, in conjunction with the Scottish biodiversity strategy. It includes actions needed to ensure we are on track to achieving the vision and outcomes in the strategy.
Glossary of Terms
30 by 30: The Scottish Government commitment to protect 30% of our land and seas for nature, by 2030
AECS: Agri-environment Climate Scheme
ARE: Agricultural and Rural Economy
BBD: Better Biodiversity Data
CCAP: Coastal Change Adaptation Plan
CES: Crown Estate Scotland
CESAP: Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan
CIEEM: Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
COP15: 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, December 2022.
COSLA: The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
FAS: Farm Advisory Service (Scotland)
FLS: Forestry and Land Scotland
FIRNS: Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland
GBF: Global Biodiversity Framework (of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity)
HabMoS: Habitat Map of Scotland
HPAI: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
INNS: Invasive Non-Native Species
IPBES: Intergovernmental science-policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
JNCC:Joint Nature Conservation Committee
MPA: Marine Protected Area
NBN: National Biodiversity Network
NbS: Nature-based Solutions
NMP2: National Marine Plan 2
NNR: National Nature Reserve
NP: National Park
NPF4: Fourth National Planning Framework
NSET: National Strategy for Economic Transformation
OSPAR: The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
OECM: Other Effective (area-based) Conservation Measures
PMF: Priority Marine Feature
RESAS: Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services
RTPI: Royal Town Planning Institute
SBS: Scottish Biodiversity Strategy
SBS- DP: Scottish Biodiversity Strategy Delivery Plan
SF: Scottish Forestry
SEPA: Scottish Environmental Protection Agency
SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound
SMEEF: Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund
SNAP3: Scotland’s Third National (climate) Adaptation Plan
UN CBD: The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
UNESCO: The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
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