Scottish Budget 2020-2021

Sets out our proposed spending and tax plans for 2020 to 2021, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.


An erratum was published on 12th February 2020. The following errors have been identified in the document. The pdf and html have both been updated to reflect these changes.

On this erratum slip, changed content is shown in bold italic.

Chapter 6 - Communities and Local Government

p.66, unnumbered table

  • Local Government funding outwith core settlement (Table 6.15) 580.3
  • Total Scottish Government Funding to Local Government 11,916.0

p.78, Table 6.10: Summary of total 2020-21 Local Government Funding

  • Local Government funding outwith core settlement (Table 6.15) 580.3
  • Total Scottish Government Funding to Local Government 11,916.0

p.81, Table 6.15: Local Government Funding outwith Core Settlement

  • Business Gateway 1.7 - 1.6
  • Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company 0.5 - 0.5
  • Educational Maintenance Allowance 25.0 - 25.0
  • Total Revenue 160.6 - 197.9
  • Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company 5.0 - 5.0
  • European Maritime and Fisheries Fund 0.5 -
  • Home Energy Efficiency Programmes for Scotland (HEEPS) 49.0 - 55.0
  • Regeneration Capital grant Fund 20.0 - 25.0
  • Total Capital 287.3 - 382.4
  • Total Revenue 160.6 - 194.3
  • Total Local Government Funding outwith Core Settlement 447.9 - 580.3
  • Overall Scottish Government Funding for Local Government 11,611.1 - 11,916.0

An erratum was published on 10th February 2020. The following errors have been identified in the document. The pdf and html have both been updated to reflect these changes.

On this erratum slip, changed content is shown in bold italic.

Chapter 1 - Strategic Overview

p.14, Table 1.04: Real Terms Change to Scottish Government Funding

  • Real-terms Change against prior year (1.2%) 2.9% 0.8% 4.2% 1.8%

Chapter 6 - Communities and Local Government

p.66, unnumbered table

  • Summary of Total 2020-21 Local Government Funding (see Table 6.10)
  • Local Government funding outwith core settlement (Table 6.15) 491.7
  • Total Scottish Government Funding to Local Government 11,827.4

p.72, Table 6.01: Spending Plans (Level 2). Section on Presentational Adjustments for Scottish Parliament Approval

  • Total Communities and Local Government 11,083.0 - 11,206.3 - 11,265.8

p.78, Table 6.10: Summary of total 2020-21 Local Government Funding

  • Local Government funding outwith core settlement (Table 6.15) 491.7
  • Total Scottish Government Funding to Local Government 11,827.4

p.80, Table 6.14: Revenue Funding within Other Portfolios to be Transferred In-Year

  • Local Government Budget Settlement 10,869.9 - 10,907.0
  • Total Local Govt Settlement in Local Govt Finance Circular 11,163.2 - 11,335.7

p.81, Table 6.15: Local Government Funding outwith Core Settlement

  • Total Local Government Finance Circular 11,163.2 - 11,335.7
  • delete row for Disabled Parents Employability Support
  • Parental Employability Support Funding Boost - 2.0
  • Total Revenue 160.6 194.3
  • Total Local Government Funding outwith Core Settlement 447.9 - 491.7
  • Overall Scottish Government Funding for Local Government 11,611.1 - 11,827.4



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