
Scottish Budget 2021 to 2022

The Scottish Budget sets out the Scottish Government’s proposed spending and tax plans for 2021 to 2022, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.

Chapter 11 Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform

Portfolio Responsibilities

The Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform portfolio works across government to support and facilitate a green economic recovery and the pivot towards a net-zero trajectory which requires all portfolios to respond to the global climate emergency. The portfolio is also charged with protecting and enhancing our natural environment and resources. While there are significant challenges in this space there are also significant opportunities to diversify our economy, create good, green jobs, and to lead the world in transitioning to net-zero.

The overarching aim is to protect and promote Scotland's environment and to build a strong and sustainable net-zero economy through:

  • tackling climate change;
  • protecting our iconic species and landscapes;
  • investing in biodiversity and natural capital;
  • developing a blue economy action plan;
  • improving the quality of our air, land, seas and fresh water;
  • developing a circular economy;
  • empowering communities and improving the way land is owned, used and managed; and
  • investing in the research base.

Spending Plans

Table 11.01: Spending Plans (Level 2)
Level 2 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 Budget
£m £m £m
Research, Analysis and Other 66.6 71.0 90.8
Marine 64.7 65.5 84.0
Environmental Services 134.1 157.1 196.5
Land Reform 17.1 16.5 16.4
Climate Change and Land Managers Renewables Fund 22.7 30.3 31.8
Scottish Water 121.4 121.4 84.1
Allocation of COVID Consequentials - - 3.0
Total ECCLR 426.6 461.8 506.6
of which:
Fiscal Resource 168.5 175.3 187.3
of which Operating Costs* 63.3 70.1 83.5
Non-cash 13.1 16.5 16.9
Capital 245.0 274.0 303.0
Financial Transactions (FTs)** - (4.0) (0.6)
UK Funded AME - - -

*The ECCLR operating costs budget for 2021-22 includes a transfer of budget from the UK Government for income that had previously been directly received from the EU and which was used to offset staffing costs. This adjustment alone accounts for a £3 million increase in the 2021-22 ECCLR operating cost budget from that of preceding years.

**The Financial Transactions total presented here represents the 'net' portfolio position after adjusting for forecast Financial Transactions income. To see the 'gross' or total amount of financial transactions that will be spent by the portfolio in 2021-22, please see Annex A.

Presentational Adjustments for Scottish Parliament Approval
2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 Budget
£m £m £m
Royal Botanic Gardens (NDPB Non-cash) (2.4) (2.5) (2.5)
National Park Authorities (NDPB Non-cash) (0.9) (1.0) (1.0)
SEPA (NDPB Non-cash) (2.7) (4.9) (5.3)
SNH (NDPB Non-cash) (1.9) (2.5) (2.2)
Scottish Water loan repayments not included in Scottish Parliamentary budgets 37.6 46.7 58.4
Total ECCLR 456.3 497.6 554.0
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 500.0
Table 11.02: Research, Analysis and Other Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 Budget
£m £m £m
Strategic Policy, Research and Sponsorship 3.8 4.5 5.8
Economic and Other Surveys 1.4 4.2 4.5
Programmes of Research 47.7 47.8 50.0
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 13.7 14.5 30.5
Total Research, Analysis and Other 66.6 71.0 90.8
of which:
Fiscal Resource 50.7 34.0 37.3
Non-cash 2.8 2.9 2.9
Capital 13.1 34.1 50.6
FTs - - -
UK Funded AME - - -
Table 11.03: Marine Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 Budget
£m £m £m
Marine Scotland 64.7 65.5 84.0
Total Marine 64.7 65.5 84.0
of which:
Fiscal Resource 58.9 57.3 70.8
Non-cash 4.8 5.2 5.5
Capital 1.0 3.0 7.7
FTs - - -
UK Funded AME - - -
Table 11.04: Environmental Services Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 Budget
£m £m £m
National Parks 13.4 13.9 17.5
Environmental Quality 14.7 10.8 11.0
Natural Resources, Peatland and Flooding 4.6 29.7 34.1
Scottish Environmental Protection Agency 34.4 37.1 43.5
NatureScot 46.5 49.1 50.2
Zero Waste 20.5 16.5 40.2
Total Environmental Services 134.1 157.1 196.5
of which:
Fiscal Resource 123.2 145.3 138.7
Non-cash 5.5 8.4 8.5
Capital 5.4 7.4 49.9
FTs - (4.0) (0.6)
UK Funded AME - - -
Table 11.05: Land Reform Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 Budget
£m £m £m
Land Reform 15.6 15.0 14.9
Scottish Land Commission 1.5 1.5 1.5
Total Land Reform 17.1 16.5 16.4
of which:
Fiscal Resource 6.6 6.0 5.8
Non-cash - - -
Capital 10.5 10.5 10.6
FTs - - -
UK Funded AME - - -
Table 11.06: Climate Change and Land Managers Renewables Fund Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 Budget
£m £m £m
Climate Change - Policy Development and Implementation 1.1 1.1 1.5
Land Managers Renewables Fund 2.0 0.5 0.5
Sustainable Action Fund 19.6 28.7 29.8
Total Climate Change and Land Managers Renewables Fund 22.7 30.3 31.8
of which:
Fiscal Resource 22.7 26.3 27.8
Non-cash - - -
Capital - 4.0 4.0
FTs - - -
UK Funded AME - - -
Table 11.07: Scottish Water Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 2019-20 Budget 2020-21 Budget 2021-22 Budget
£m £m £m
Interest on Voted Loans (100.5) (100.5) (103.0)
Voted Loans 215.0 215.0 180.2
Hydro Nation 4.7 4.7 4.7
Drinking Water Quality Regulator 0.5 0.5 0.5
Private Water 1.7 1.7 1.7
Total Scottish Water 121.4 121.4 84.1
of which:
Fiscal Resource (93.6) (93.6) (96.1)
Non-cash - - -
Capital 215.0 215.0 180.2
FTs - - -
UK Funded AME - - -

Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform contributions to the National Outcomes

Primary National Outcomes

  • Environment

Secondary National Outcomes

  • Economy
  • Health
  • Communities
  • Fair Work & Business
  • International
  • Human Rights

For further information on the purpose of the portfolio budget, and contributions to national outcomes (including impacts of spend on equality of outcome) please refer to the relevant portfolio annex in the published Equalities and Fairer Scotland Budget Statement.



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