
Scottish Budget 2022 to 2023

The Scottish Budget sets out the Scottish Government’s proposed spending and tax plans for 2022 to 2023, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.

Chapter 4 Health & Social Care Portfolio

Portfolio Responsibilities

The Health and Social Care portfolio is responsible for improving the health and wellbeing of the population, ensuring that care and support is delivered when, how and where people need it.

The 2022-23 budget delivers record funding of £18 billion for the portfolio, which will be used to support the remobilisation of services, as well as delivery of priorities relating to prevention and early intervention. Key to this is rethinking how services are delivered; harnessing innovation, bolstering capacity and putting people and place at the forefront of reforms to ensure sustainable recovery and equitable access to services.

The public health measures required to respond to the threat and uncertainty of COVID-19 remain a key consideration in our planning, and we await the outcome of further detail that was promised in the UK Spending Review to support our plans. Underlining our commitment to front-line services, we will nonetheless provide initial additional funding of £559 million for NHS Boards, and funding of £232 million for addressing waiting times and supporting our National Treatment Centres. We continue to be hugely indebted to our front-line staff and unpaid carers, who provide vital care day in and day out, under the toughest of circumstances. Their selfless efforts to care for others have been invaluable in our response to the pandemic so far, and our spending plans for 2022-23 continue to provide support for the mental health and wellbeing of our health and social care staff, and unpaid carers, as set out in the Programme for Government.

To ensure that care is delivered where and when it is needed, our increased investment in primary care and in social care and integration are significant steps towards the Programme for Government commitments. The investment of over £1.6 billion in social care and integration lays the groundwork for our National Care Service and includes a transfer for 2022-23 of £846.6 million to local government.

We will continue our vital work to reduce health inequalities, including £61 million to address the national tragedy of drugs deaths. It is vital that we work towards a fairer, healthier Scotland for all and recognising the crucial role of mental health and wellbeing services, the Scottish Government will make direct investment of £290 million in mental health, including £120 million for our Mental Health Recovery and Renewal Fund.

Health and Social Care

Table 4.01: Spending Plans (Level 2)
Level 2 2020-21
Health and Social Care 15,327.9 17,214.8 18,020.1
Food Standards Scotland 16.0 19.5 23.0
Total Health and Social Care 15,343.9 17,234.3 18,043.1
of which:
Total Fiscal Resource 14,532.3 16,332.4 17,106.2
of which Operating Costs* 64.2 84.7 111.8
Non-cash 273.2 272.5 272.5
Capital 428.0 529.0 554.0
Financial Transactions (FTs) 10.0 10.0
UK Funded AME 100.4 100.4 100.4
Presentational Adjustments for Scottish Parliament Approval
Sportscotland (NDPB non-cash) (1.2) (1.1) (1.1)
Social Care (NDPB non-cash) (0.1) (0.2) (0.2)
Food Standards Scotland - shown separately (16.0) (19.5) (23.0)
PPP/PFI Adjustments 21.0 21.0 21.0
Total Health and Social Care 15,347.6 17,234.5 18,039.8
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 3,000.0
Table 4.02: Health and Social Care Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 2020-21
NHS Territorial Boards 10,704.0 10,894.4 11,508.6
NHS National Boards 1,312.1 1,345.9 1,422.6
Health Capital Investment 448.0 549.0 574.0
COVID-19 Funding 960.0
Workforce and Nursing 262.1 316.8 402.7
General Medical Services 1,035.8 1,116.8 1,162.8
Pharmaceutical Services 198.0 206.1 216.2
General Dental Services 428.6 431.0 469.0
General Ophthalmic Services 109.5 111.7 125.5
Outcomes Framework 71.9 74.1 74.1
Health Improvement and Protection 51.6 59.4 85.6
Alcohol and Drugs Policy 34.2 84.2 85.4
Mental Health Services 117.1 273.9 290.2
Quality and Improvement 20.1 37.6 65.9
Digital Health and Care 112.1 112.5 112.9
Early Years 53.4 53.4 58.9
Miscellaneous Other Services (164.1) (34.5) 9.5
Social Care Investment 332.4 395.4 1,137.1
Revenue Consequences of NPD 65.0 98.0 75.0
Sportscotland 32.7 33.7 34.7
Active, Healthy Lives 13.4 15.4 19.4
NHS Impairments (AME) 100.0 100.0 100.0
Financial Transactions 10.0 10.0
Capital Receipts (20.0) (20.0) (20.0)
Total Health and Social Care 15,327.9 17,214.8 18,020.1
of which:
Fiscal Resource 14,516.9 16,313.5 17,083.8
Non-cash 273.0 272.3 272.3
Capital 428.0 529.0 554.0
FTs 10.0 10.0
UK Funded AME 100.0 100.0 100.0
Table 4.03: Food Standards Scotland Spending (Level 3)
Level 3 2020-21
Administration 16.0 19.5 23.0
Capital Expenditure
Total Food Standards Scotland 16.0 19.5 23.0
of which:
Fiscal Resource 15.4 18.9 22.4
Non-cash 0.2 0.2 0.2
UK Funded AME 0.4 0.4 0.4
Table 4.04: Territorial and National Boards Spending Plans (Level 4)
Level 4 2020-21
Improving Outcomes and Reform 228.6 241.3 373.0
Territorial Boards
NHS Ayrshire and Arran 762.4 774.5 806.8
NHS Borders 219.8 222.7 234.8
NHS Dumfries and Galloway 316.1 320.6 334.1
NHS Fife 701.5 712.6 749.4
NHS Forth Valley 558.7 569.4 598.1
NHS Grampian 1,013.5 1,027.9 1,072.2
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2,364.7 2,398.1 2,504.0
NHS Highland 666.0 691.9 725.6
NHS Lanarkshire 1,268.1 1,286.1 1,346.8
NHS Lothian 1,540.1 1,569.5 1,639.3
NHS Orkney 52.6 54.8 57.1
NHS Shetland 53.9 54.6 57.0
NHS Tayside 808.5 819.9 856.5
NHS Western Isles 80.0 81.1 84.5
Total 10,405.9 10,583.7 11,066.1
National Boards
National Waiting Times Centre 60.0 60.9 68.1
Scottish Ambulance Service 278.4 283.7 305.9
The State Hospital 37.6 38.1 40.0
NHS 24 72.7 73.8 78.4
NHS Education for Scotland 461.5 471.7 492.3
NHS National Services Scotland 327.7 341.4 355.3
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 26.3 27.5 30.4
Public Health Scotland 47.9 48.6 52.1
Total 1,312.1 1,345.9 1,422.6
Other Income 69.5 69.5 69.5
Total Territorial and National Boards 12,016.1 12,240.4 12,931.2

Health and Social Care intended contributions to the National Outcomes

Primary National Outcomes

  • Health
  • Children and Young People
  • Human Rights

Secondary National Outcomes

  • Poverty
  • Communities
  • Education
  • Economy
  • Fair Work and Business
  • Environment

For further information on the purpose of the portfolio budget, and contributions to national outcomes (including impacts of spend on equality of outcome) please refer to the relevant portfolio annex in the published Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget Statement.



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