
Scottish Budget: 2024 to 2025

The Scottish Budget sets out the Scottish Government’s proposed spending and tax plans for 2024 to 2025, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.

Annex E - National Performance Framework

Scotland’s National Performance Framework (NPF) is our wellbeing framework that sets out a vision of societal progress through the National Outcomes and enables everyone to work towards these shared goals and provides clarity on the shared goals we are working towards.

Our commitment to the three missions of equality, opportunity and community, as laid out in the recent Policy Prospectus, will contribute towards all the National Outcomes, taking us towards a country that prioritises wellbeing for all.

A review of the National Outcomes is underway. This is our opportunity to ensure that the outcomes continue to reflect what matters most to communities across Scotland and will be informed by the consultation and engagement that has taken place with individuals and organisations. The result of this review will be laid before Parliament in early 2024.

We are also committed to continually improving the way the NPF is used, across government and more widely. The Scottish Government has committed to developing an implementation plan to improve the implementation of the revised National Performance Framework.

We will continue to explore the development of legislative proposals on a wellbeing and sustainable development Bill, to support greater implementation of the NPF, and to ensure the interests of future generations are taken into account in decisions made today.

The Scottish Government is also redesigning its approach to internal performance reporting. This will draw on the mandate letters and strategic delivery plans for each portfolio, to inform the performance reporting and monitoring necessary to align the commitments with the Programme for Government, with the Budget, through to the Prospectus and ultimately the NPF, bringing the data together that is necessary to measure Scottish Government’s progress towards the National Outcomes.



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