
Scottish Budget: 2024 to 2025

The Scottish Budget sets out the Scottish Government’s proposed spending and tax plans for 2024 to 2025, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.

Annex A.1 – NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care

The NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care portfolio is responsible for supporting our health and social care services as they continue to recover from the pandemic, and ensuring an effective, efficient and sustainable health and social care system that is fit for Scotland’s future.

It seeks to improve health and wellbeing at all stages of life, supporting infant, maternal health and the ageing population by preventing ill health, promoting healthier active lifestyles, reducing health inequalities and pursuing our national mission on drugs.

The response to the COVID-19 pandemic transformed our health and social care services. Through that crisis they demonstrated an ability to innovate, and to deliver the care people needed in the most challenging times. In the face of the tough financial situation now facing our public services, we must build on that resilience to drive forward the reform needed to ensure long term sustainability and health improvement.

The budget sees funding of over £19.5 billion for the portfolio, protecting existing critical health and social care delivery in the face of unprecedented fiscal pressure. These pressures mean new services and innovations will not be possible without a step-change in our reform programme. Hard choices, greater efficiencies and savings will need to be made. That is why this budget supports front line services to continue to evolve to deliver the best care and treatment for our diverse population, now and in the future.

Over £13.2 billion is allocated to frontline NHS boards to take forward the improvement of health in their communities and to assess and deliver the most effective care for the people they serve.

Our continued support of primary and community care will improve preventative care, and ensure that people are cared for in the right place, at the right time. We will also continue to target resources to reduce waiting times, particularly for those waiting longest for treatment, through maximising productivity and additional resources.

We remain committed to the health and care staff who deliver our front line services, and this budget includes an increase in pay for adult social care workers in the third and private sectors to at least £12 per hour for those in a direct care role. We will also continue to work towards the introduction of a National Care Service so that everyone has access to consistently high quality social care, whenever they need it.

Mental health has seen significant budget increases over recent years and we will continue to optimise investments in prevention, improving mental health and wellbeing support, with reduced waiting times for Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services.

Our spending plans are set out below to prioritise investment and effective reform to refocus our health and social care services for the challenges to come.

Health & Social Care intended contributions to the National Outcomes

Primary National Outcomes

  • Health
  • Children and Young People
  • Human Rights

Secondary National Outcomes

  • Poverty
  • Communities
  • Education
  • Economy
  • Fair Work and Business
  • Environment

For further information on the purpose of the portfolio budget, and contributions to national outcomes (including impacts of spend on equality of outcome) please refer to the relevant portfolio annex in the published Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget Statement.

NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care

Table A1.01: Spending Plans (Level 2)
Level 2 Restated 2022-23 Budget £m Restated 2023-24 Budget £m 2024-25 Budget £m
NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care 17,811.9 18,900.5 19,538.8
Food Standards Scotland 25.8 23.0 22.9
Total NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care 17,837.7 18,923.4 19,561.7
of which:
Total Fiscal Resource 16,751.6 17,706.3 18,242.9
of which Operating Costs 93.8 92.0 91.2
Non-cash 334.6 367.7 394.5
Capital 637.4 739.2 820.3
Financial Transactions (FTs) 10.0 5.0
UK Funded AME 104.1 105.3 104.0

Presentational Adjustments for Scottish Parliament Approval

Level 2 Restated 2022-23 Budget £m Restated 2023-24 Budget £m 2024-25 Budget £m
Sportscotland (NDPB non-cash) (1.8) (1.7) (1.0)
Social Care (NDPB non-cash) (1.4) (1.1) (0.2)
Food Standards Scotland - shown separately (25.8) (23.0) (22.9)
PPP/PFI Adjustments 21.0 21.0 21.0
Total NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care 17,829.7 18,918.7 19,558.5
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 3,000.0
Table A1.02: NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 Restated 2022-23 Budget £m Restated 2023-24 Budget £m 2024-25 Budget £m
NHS Territorial Boards 11,508.6 12,132.0 12,655.0
NHS National Boards 1,422.6 1,530.1 1,588.9
Health Capital Investment 646.8 752.1 840.3
Education and Training 402.7 407.1 416.4
General Medical Services 1,162.8 1,205.8 1,276.6
Pharmaceutical Services 216.2 221.7 238.9
General Dental Services 469.0 476.2 497.2
Community Eyecare 125.5 121.6 130.1
Outcomes Framework 74.1 74.1 72.2
Health Improvement and Protection 85.6 87.1 102.0
Alcohol and Drugs Policy 85.4 99.0 99.1
Mental Health Services 290.2 290.2 290.2
Quality and Improvement 66.3 61.0 47.0
Digital Health and Care 112.9 112.9 113.5
Early Years 49.9 49.9 49.1
COVID-19 Funding and Other Services (13.8) 236.7 (126.8)
National Care Service / Adult Social Care 879.6 827.0 1,040.2
Revenue Consequences of NPD 75.0 75.0 75.0
Sportscotland 39.7 34.7 34.6
Active, Healthy Lives 19.4 16.5 15.6
NHS Impairments (AME) 103.4 104.7 103.7
Financial Transactions 10.0 5.0
Capital Receipts (20.0) (20.0) (20.0)
Total NHS Recovery, Health & Social Care 17,811.9 18,900.5 19,538.8
of which:
Total Fiscal Resource 16,729.5 17,684.3 18,220.9
Non-cash 334.0 367.0 393.8
Capital 634.6 739.2 820.3
Financial Transactions (FTs) 10.0 5.0
UK Funded AME 103.7 105.0 103.7
Table A1.03: Food Standards Scotland Spending (Level 3)
Level 3 2022-23 Budget £m 2023-24 Budget £m 2024-25 Budget £m
Administration 25.8 23.0 22.9
Total Food Standards Scotland 25.8 23.0 22.9
of which:
Total Fiscal Resource 22.1 22.0 22.0
Non-cash 0.6 0.6 0.6
Capital 2.8
UK Funded AME 0.4 0.4 0.4
Table A1.04: Territorial & National Boards Spending Plans (Level 4)
Level 4 2022-23 Budget £m 2023-24 Budget £m 2024-25 Budget £m
Territorial Boards
NHS Ayrshire and Arran 806.8 850.2 883.5
NHS Borders 234.8 248.6 260.4
NHS Dumfries and Galloway 334.1 352.2 364.7
NHS Fife 749.4 790.8 829.2
NHS Forth Valley 598.1 631.1 658.9
NHS Grampian 1,072.2 1,129.9 1,176.4
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2,504.0 2,639.4 2,733.1
NHS Highland 725.6 768.2 807.1
NHS Lanarkshire 1,346.8 1,424.1 1,489.0
NHS Lothian 1,639.3 1,743.3 1,825.5
NHS Orkney 57.1 60.2 63.6
NHS Shetland 57.0 60.1 62.4
NHS Tayside 856.5 912.2 951.2
NHS Western Isles 84.5 89.0 92.9
Total 11,066.1 11,699.2 12,197.9
National Boards
National Waiting Times Centre 68.1 75.8 81.8
Scottish Ambulance Service 305.9 334.2 349.2
The State Hospital 40.0 42.5 44.5
NHS 24 78.4 90.7 91.4
NHS Education for Scotland 492.3 517.6 550.2
NHS National Services Scotland 355.3 378.6 380.3
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 30.4 33.6 33.8
Public Health Scotland 52.1 56.9 57.5
Total 1,422.6 1,530.1 1,588.9
Improving Outcomes and Reform 373.0 363.3 387.6
Other Income 69.5 69.5 69.5
Total Territorial & National Boards 12,931.2 13,662.1 14,243.8



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