
Scottish Budget 2025 to 2026

The Scottish Budget sets out the Scottish Government’s proposed spending and tax plans for 2025 to 2026, as presented to the Scottish Parliament.

Chapter 3 Health & Social Care

Health & Social Care

The Health and Social Care portfolio is responsible for supporting our health and social care services, ensuring an effective, efficient and sustainable health and social care system that is fit for Scotland’s future. It seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of our population, by preventing ill health, tackling health inequalities, and promoting healthier lifestyles.

This budget sees record funding of over £21 billion for the portfolio, which includes an increase in our capital spending power of £139 million from 2024-25, to ensure that people have access to high-quality health, mental health, and social care services when and where they need them, driving forward our vision of a Scotland where people live longer, healthier and fulfilling lives.

We will continue to focus on reform and improvement of the performance of our services by deploying existing resources more efficiently and effectively, and working to identify funding to support actions that deliver against our reform vision. This will include measures to improve population health, to intervene earlier with preventative measures delivered through effective primary and community care services, and making changes to how we deliver services that will improve quality and access.

We will continue to invest in, strengthen and improve the performance of our NHS. We will prioritise, and increase access and capacity in, Primary Care, including supporting services in General Practice, and enable measures to sustainably treat more patients in community settings, particularly in eyecare, whilst ensuring the success of dental reform.

This health budget includes more than £16.2 billion for Health Boards to deliver front line and other key services, and this sum includes funding to honour our commitments to fair pay settlements for our health workforce.

Supporting the First Minister’s priority of maximising access to quality health and social care services, this budget includes £200 million to reduce waiting lists and to help support reduction of delayed discharge. Our commitment to renew our NHS means we will also be seeking to start the work in 2025-26 on delivering a series of new acute facilities.

The budget also supports the expansion of Hospital at Home and primary care enhancements, including new core funding to General Medical Services to deliver enhanced frailty, cardiovascular disease and other essential services in General Practice, a critical dental workforce and training package and a community eye care programme to transfer patients from waiting lists.

We will support improvements across a range of mental health services and treatments, increase access to care and support for people living with dementia, provide an additional £5 million for voluntary sector short breaks for unpaid carers, and expand support for disabled people through the reopened Independent Living Fund. We will also be investing £4 million in our hospice sector. We will maintain our focus on adopting innovation and digital technology, including accelerating the delivery of our personalised digital health service.

As well as funding services we will continue to promote good health, including through our sport budget, and our commitment to invest an additional £250 million in the National Mission on Drugs over the course of this Parliament.

Health and Social Care intended contributions to the National Outcomes

Primary National Outcomes

  • Health
  • Children and Young People
  • Communities
  • Human Rights

Secondary National Outcomes

  • Culture
  • Economy
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Fair Work and Business
  • International
  • Poverty

For further information on the purpose of the portfolio budget, and contributions to national outcomes (including impacts of spend on equality of outcome) please refer to the relevant portfolio annex in the published Equality and Fairer Scotland Budget Statement.

Health & Social Care

The prior year 2024-25 Budget comparator figures are based on the latest in-year budget numbers which were revised at the Autumn Budget Revision. The 2023-24 Scottish Budget comparator figures reflect the outturn numbers for that year.

Table 3.01: Spending Plans (Level 2)
Level 2 2023-24 Outturn £m 2024-25 ABR Budget £m 2025-26 Budget £m
Health and Social Care 18,981.2 19,688.0 21,707.6
Food Standards Scotland 23.0 23.4 23.1
Total Health and Social Care 19,004.2 19,711.4 21,730.6
of which
Total Fiscal Resource 17,520.0 18,392.7 20,200.5
of which Operating Costs 114.6 115.3 115.6
Non-cash 416.1 394.5 417.0
Capital 932.2 820.3 1,005.1
Financial Transactions (FTs) 5.9
UK Funded AME 130.0 104.0 108.0
Presentational Adjustments for Scottish Parliament Approval
Sportscotland (NDPB non-cash) (0.5) (1.0) (1.6)
Social Care (NDPB non-cash) (0.2) (0.2)
Care Inspectorate (NDPB non-cash) (1.4) (0.1) (0.8)
Food Standards Scotland - shown separately (23.0) (23.4) (23.1)
PPP/PFI Adjustments 21.0 21.0 21.0
Total Health and Social Care 19,000.3 19,707.6 21,725.9
Total Limit on Income (accruing resources) 3,000.0
Table 3.02: Health and Social Care Spending Plans (Level 3)
Level 3 2023-24 Outturn £m 2024-25 ABR Budget £m 2025-26 Budget £m
NHS Territorial Boards 12,595.1 12,655.0 14,387.3
NHS National Boards 1,726.8 1,588.9 1,885.3
Health Capital Investment 939.1 840.3 1,025.1
Reform and Improvement Measures 100.0
Education and Training 280.5 344.3 443.9
General Medical Services 1,230.4 1,269.9 1,344.6
Pharmaceutical Services 280.9 241.0 251.7
General Dental Services 499.4 447.2 512.4
Community Eyecare 128.3 127.5 139.9
Outcomes Framework 72.2
Health Improvement and Protection 87.3 102.4 109.1
Alcohol and Drugs Policy 93.8 80.4 80.9
Mental Health Services 251.8 267.2 270.5
Quality and Improvement 28.3 44.2 58.3
Digital Health and Care 99.8 117.0 114.3
Early Years 46.0 46.7 54.1
Miscellaneous Other Services and Resource income* 192.3 1,177.0 (35.3)
Social Care Support** 182.1 205.8 828.3
Revenue Consequences of NPD 71.1
Sportscotland 35.4 36.4 36.4
Active, Healthy Lives 12.4 13.0 13.0
NHS Impairments (AME) 129.5 103.7 107.7
FTs 5.9
Capital Receipts (7.0) (20.0) (20.0)
Total Health and Social Care 18,981.2 19,688.0 21,707.6
of which
Total Fiscal Resource 17,498.5 18,370.2 20,178.5
Non-cash 415.2 393.8 416.3
Capital 932.1 820.3 1,005.1
Financial Transactions (FTs) 5.9
UK Funded AME 129.5 103.7 107.7

*The Miscellaneous Other Services and Resource income budget line in 2024-25 includes funding adjustments set out in the Autumn Budget Revision with recurring funding now transferred to NHS Boards core budgets in 2025-26.

**Funding is transferred to Local Government as part of the Autumn Budget Revision to deliver health and social care services.

Table 3.03: Food Standards Scotland Spending (Level 3)
Level 3 2023-24 Outturn £m 2024-25 ABR Budget £m 2025-26 Budget £m
Administration 23.0 23.4 23.1
Total Food Standards Scotland 23.0 23.4 23.1
of which
Total Fiscal Resource 21.6 22.5 22.0
Non-cash 0.8 0.6 0.7
Capital 0.1
UK Funded AME 0.5 0.4 0.4
Table 3.04: Territorial and National Boards Spending Plans (Level 4)
Level 4 2024-25 ABR Budget £m 2025-26 Budget £m
Territorial Boards
NHS Ayrshire and Arran 883.5 1,006.6
NHS Borders 260.4 303.7
NHS Dumfries and Galloway 364.7 425.4
NHS Fife 829.2 937.9
NHS Forth Valley 658.9 751.7
NHS Grampian 1,176.4 1,346.8
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2,733.1 3,123.5
NHS Highland 807.1 940.2
NHS Lanarkshire 1,489.0 1,713.0
NHS Lothian 1,825.5 2,113.0
NHS Orkney 63.6 74.9
NHS Shetland 62.4 74.8
NHS Tayside 951.2 1,094.3
NHS Western Isles 92.9 106.8
Total 12,197.9 14,012.6
National Boards
National Waiting Times Centre 81.8 98.0
Scottish Ambulance Service 349.2 437.2
The State Hospital 44.5 49.0
NHS 24 91.4 118.3
NHS Education for Scotland 550.2 648.9
NHS National Services Scotland 380.3 428.5
Healthcare Improvement Scotland 33.8 37.6
Public Health Scotland 57.5 67.8
Total 1,588.9 1,885.3
Improving Outcomes and Reform* 387.6 305.2
Other Income 69.5 69.5
Total Territorial and National Boards 14,243.9 16,272.6

* The reduction in the Improving Outcomes and Reform Budget line largely relates to £185.6 million of funding that has been permanently transferred to NHS Boards as part of their core funding from 2025-26. There is also an increase of £100 million with regards additional funding to reduce waiting times.



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