Building standards: procedural handbook - third edition version 1.7
The procedural handbook provides clarification on the procedures underpinning the Scottish building standards system as set out in the Building (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2004 and the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 to assist with practical operation.
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15.1 To Building Standards Division
15.1.1. Scottish Ministers hope that users of the system and members of the public using buildings will make their views known where it is felt the regulations are either inadequate or too onerous.
Suggestions for improving any aspect of the system will always be given careful consideration. In particular BSD would like to be informed of:
- conflicts between different standards
- instances in which apparent defects are blamed on inadequate regulation
- instances in which a standard is apparently no longer necessary
- ways in which an innovative solution is apparently being unnecessarily restricted.
15.1.2. In addition, problems arising between verifiers and certifiers should be reported to BSD. This is not a mechanism for resolution of a particular case but will inform future changes to regulations, standards, guidance and procedures.
15.1.3. If users of the system encounter problems with approved certifiers or approved bodies, they should make theirs views known to the relevant certification scheme provider, which is required to operate a complaints procedure. If users encounter problems with the scheme provider they should make their views known to BSD.
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