Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2015/16: Analysis of Free-text Comments

Analysis of free-text comments provided by patients as part of Scotland’s first Cancer Patient Experience Survey.

Appendix D Definitions of Negative Sub Themes

Sub Theme Definition (Participants felt…)
Poor care Inadequate management of pain and side effects, exposure to infection, problems with treatment, or being cared for by staff who did not have sufficient knowledge of cancer
Difficulty getting into the system Multiple visits to GP with symptoms before being sent for diagnostic tests.
Inconsistent or inappropriate information Given wrong, unclear or conflicting information
Lack of faith in the system Not trusting the monitoring process would pick up deterioration in health
Inadequate aftercare Inadequate care after treatment and confusion over who was responsible for care after treatment
Inadequate contact Inadequate amount of contact with cancer specialists
Poor communication Staff did not listen or treat patients with respect
Involvement and choice Lack of involvement and choice in decision making about treatment
Emotional Support and Responsiveness Insufficient emotional support and lack of contact with staff who could provide support
Information Did not receive the amount or type of information required to meet individual needs
Family Lack of consideration for family
Specific and unusual circumstances Specific individual circumstances not taken into account
Unsuitable or uncomfortable environment Problems with food, hygiene, noise levels, and uncomfortable surroundings
Transport Problems with parking or transport to and from hospital
Staffing Levels Not enough staff to meet patient demand
Privacy Lack of privacy when receiving bad news or during procedures
Ineffective and unreliable processes Administrative problems, especially with results letters and organising appointments
Waits and delays Lengthy waits for results and appointments
Fragmented care Many different departments involved in treatment, lack of continuity of care. No one in overall control.


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