
Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2015-16: technical report

Postal survey that was sent to cancer patients who had an inpatient stay or hospital visit as a day case, as well as a cancer diagnosis.

Outputs from the Cancer patient experience survey

National report

National level results from the survey were compiled in a written report published on the 6th of June 2016. It presents results for each survey question for Scotland as a whole.

As part of the analysis, results were broken down by the most common tumour groups and differences between the groups were tested for statistical significance. Where there were significant differences in results between tumour groups, this was presented in the national report.

Additionally, the report includes a summary of the differences between results from patients living in the most and least deprived areas of Scotland. This used the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation ( SIMD) as the measure of deprivation.

National report

NHS Board, Regional Cancer Network, and Cancer Centre reports

Reports were published for the 14 territorial NHS Boards and Golden Jubilee National Hospital, as well as the three regional cancer networks and five cancer centres.

NHS Board, Regional Cancer Network and Cancer Centre reports

The format of these reports is similar to the sub-national reports published for the Inpatient Experience Survey, Health and Care Experience Survey and Maternity Care Survey.

The main focus of these reports is on the 'percent positive. This is the percentage of people who answered each question in a positive way. For example, when asked whether they were given enough privacy when discussing their condition or treatment, if patients responded 'Yes, always' this was counted as a positive answer. 'Yes, sometimes' was considered a neutral/mixed answer and 'No' was considered a negative response.

A full description of which response options were classified as positive, neutral and negative are provided in Appendix B .

In the reports, colour-coded bar charts are used to show the percentage of respondents who responded positively, neutrally, and negatively for each question where this is appropriate.

The results are compared with the Scottish average. Differences from the Scottish national results that are statistically significant are shown with an ' s' next to the percentage point change, e.g. +4 s or -5 s.

In some cases either the number of positive responses or the number of responses that were not positive (ie the neutral and negative responses combined) were too low for the preferred statistical test (see Analysis and Reporting chapter) to be valid. In these cases, differences were marked ' NT' (Not Tested) to denote that no significance testing was done.

Results for questions where responses cannot reasonably be classed as 'positive' or 'negative' are presented in tables.

Further charts show the variation in percent positive scores between the different NHS Boards / Cancer Networks / Cancer Centres and further tables provide scores for the different tumour groups.

Analysis of free text comments

The free text comments made by patients as part of the survey have been analysed by academics based at the University of Stirling.

A report summarising the national findings for Scotland is available on the Scottish Government website:

Analysis of the freetext comments

Freetext comments have not been analysed at the level of NHS Boards, Regional Cancer Networks or Cancer Centres. However, NHS Boards and Regional Cancer Networks will be provided with the comments relevant to them.


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