Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2018: technical report

Technical report for the 2018 Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey.

8. Outputs from the Survey

This section provides details of the outputs from the 2018 SCPES that were published alongside the national report.

Interactive Dashboard

The local level results for the survey – Regional Cancer Network, NHS Board and Cancer Centre levels – are available via an interactive dashboard which can be accessed through a link on

The dashboard includes the following information:

  • Summary of Results: Displays the five most positive and five most negative per cent positive questions for a selected area.
  • Per cent Positive Results: Results for all the per cent positive style questions in the survey (as listed in Annex A) for a selected area. This also includes statistical comparisons to the Scotland figures and to 2015 results where appropriate. There is also the option to view the results for two different selected areas side by side.
  • Range of Per cent Positive Results: Displays the results for per cent positive style questions for a selected area in relation to the overall range for the relevant level. For example, if an NHS Board of Treatment is selected, the range will be the range of per cent positive results across all NHS Boards of Treatment. The national result is also included.
  • Information Questions: Results for all information questions, i.e. those questions that are not classed as per cent positive, for a selected area. There is also the option to view the results for two different selected areas side by side. No statistical comparisons have been carried out on these questions.
  • Response Rates & Demographics: Displays the response rate and demographic information for a selected area.
  • Movement of Patients Receiving Cancer Care: Shows the movement of survey respondents between NHS Board of Residence and NHS Board of Treatment.

More detailed notes on how to navigate and interpret the dashboards are provided within the dashboard itself.

Ahead of the 2018 survey, a review of how responses are allocated at local levels was undertaken. A paper summarising the review and the new approach applied to the 2018 results is available at

Supporting Data

Spreadsheets showing more detailed results are available on the Scottish Government website at



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